003 - Geogalot
Conceptual Question
How can the process of globalisation create opportunities for diverse interconnections and new networks?
Approaches to Learning
Communication Skills - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information - Write for different purposes.
Key Terminology
Activity One - A Picture Can Tell a Thousand Words - Can't it?
We can never visit every area that is discussed in Geography so we often rely on images to help tell the story of a particular event.
Describe the image. Think about the physical as well as human landscape.
Shape of the land
Water source
Urban environment
Communication links
2. Where do you think this picture was taken? Explain your answer.
Activity Two - Selling geogalot a holiday - is it all spas and shopping?
Your task is to design me my perfect holiday, after all I am so busy marking your assignments I struggle to sort a vacation out for myself. But do you really know me?
Part One
Listening and being able to devise a 'good' question is important here. What makes a good question? Discuss what a 'good' question is with your partner and put your answers on the A4 white board. We will then discuss the classes's ideas as a group.
In teams of approximately four, you will devise five yes or no questions to find out my requirements.
The group will listen to each teams questions and record any answer that they believe is relevant.
Part Two
Using the answers in 'Part One' devise a holiday for geogalot. You will need to include the following:
Location map - where? Be precise, choose a city or specific town.
Why am I going to this particular destination?
How will I get there? - airline, cost, timings.
Where will I be staying? - accommodation, cost, how long.
What would you recommend me to do while I am there? - if I am walking, what particular route? If I am shopping, where am I going and why? How can I get there from the accommodation you have booked.
What impact may I have on the area? Should my impact be limited? Why?
You will present the holiday on one side of A4.
I would recommend using a GoogleDoc to be able to share your ideas with your team easily.
How will I be assessed?
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding
Criterion B: Investigating
Criterion D: Thinking Critically
Activity Three - Evaluation
Evaluate how well your holiday design went. Try and answer the following questions in your evaluation. Record your thoughts in full sentences on lined paper.
How could you improve the style of questioning?
How well did your team design an action plan to create a holiday?
How could you communicate your ideas more effectively?
How well did you work as a team?