003 - Global Agreements
Factual Question
How can global agreements foster change?
Key Terminology
No new terminology will be used during this lesson.
Activity One - Create - Global Agreements
It took quite some time for countries to come together to agree that the changes in the global climate was an issue. In fact, there are still countries that do not believe climate change is happening or that they need to do anything about it. Before we begin to investigate the global agreements on climate change we need to explore what the United Nations is.
Your task (individual) is to create a one page information sheet on LucidPress or Google Drawings about the United Nations for next years Year 11 International Relations class.
A short history of the League of Nations.
When began?
Why did it begin?
Where did it begin?
What was the main aim?
When was the United Nations formed?
Where does the word 'United Nations' come from?
What is the aim of the United Nations?
What are some of the key task-orientated organisations?
When and where was the charter of the United Nations completed?
Any other interesting points.
You will be using either LucidPress or Google Drawings to present your information guide.
One page in length.
All images/graphs used need figure numbers, titles and sources.
Bibliography - MLA format.
Be creative!
Useful Resource
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed using Criterion A - knowing and understanding and Criterion C - communicating - all strands.