002 - Ocean Processes

Factual Question

How do oceans operate as a system to create change?

What are the processes that occur within our ocean systems?

Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information - Make inferences and draw conclusions.

Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Comprehension - Processes - Ocean Currents

We will now look at some of the processes that occur in and around our oceans to understand how they may impact us on land. You are initially going to try and answer the questions below individually by watching the YouTube clip in the 'Useful Resources' box. By watching the YouTube clip by yourself you will be able to stop and start the clip as you need to. Answer the questions either on the question grid or in full sentences in your book.

Useful Resources

How do ocean currents work?


Ocean Conveyor Belt Mapping Exercise

Blank World Map

To draw the ocean conveyor belt.

Ocean Currents and Conveyor Belt Question Grid

Activity Two - Comprehension - Processes - Salty Ocean Water

While the ocean covers over 70% of our Earth we can't drink it without taking out the salt. How do our oceans get to be so salty. 

Useful Resources

Activity Three - Discover - Impact

Throughout the activities you have learnt why oceans are important to humans and the processes behind the movement of our ocean currents. Unfortunately, nature is not a simple beast and it has a habit of surprising humans. The movement of our ocean currents can actually change direction in the Southern Hemisphere causing droughts, fires and floods. We are going to explore what these changes of ocean currents are called along with the impact of them.

Useful Resources