001 - Mapping
Significant Concept
Significant Concept
To have knowledge of the location of Egypt, what the physical landscape is like and where people predominantly lived.
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- Cataracts
Watch part of the 'How Earth Made Us' Water episode on the changing desert landscape and water in Egypt. Students will make notes on the follow points:
- What evidence is there to suggest that water was once abundant in the desert?
- Why is water important in Egypt?
- What is in the water that helps to make the crops fertile?
- How did the Egyptians measure the water levels on the Nile?
- Include any interesting information about Egypt.
Activity Part One
Activity Part One
- Take a piece of A4 paper from the front of the classroom and draw a large box that will almost cover the whole of the page. Remember to use a pencil and ruler.
- Inside that box draw an outline of Egypt.
- Mark on to your map the following things:
- The Nile
- The cataracts
- Upper Egypt
- Lower Egypt
- Delta
Text Box
Remember to include:
- Title
- Compass Points
- Scale
- Key
Activity Part Two
Activity Part Two
- Using pages 70 to 75 of the 'Ancient World' textbook for information, annotate you map with interesting points on:
- Farming
- Trade
- Travel
- Facts on the Nile