002 - Periglacial Environment
Syllabus Point
Explain (AO2) permafrost, patterned ground, solifluction, thermokarst, pingos.
Key Terminology
- Explain
- Diurnal
Use the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom to help you define the key term. The other terms you will define throughout the course of the lesson.
Useful Links
Activity One - Describe
Image One - Periglaciation
Image Two - Permafrost
Before we even start to look at landforms created in periglacial areas we need to look at what a periglacial area is and what its characteristics are. Answer the following questions using the images above and the useful resources below:
- What are periglacial areas?
- Where can periglacial areas be found?
- Describe the climate of periglacial areas.
- What is permafrost?
- Describe the three different types of permafrost.
- Continuous
- Discontinuous
- Sporadic
- Why is permafrost found at higher altitude closer to the equator?
- What is talik?
- What is the active layer?
- Why is the active layer important for landforms created in periglacial areas?
Useful Resources
- 'Glaciation and Periglaciation' text book by Knight pages 64-69
Activity Two - Processes and Movement
There are a number of key processes that occur in periglacial areas and these help to either break up the rock, transport it or deposit the rock.
- Describe the process of freeze-thaw.
- Describe how chemical weathering occurs?
- What is hydrolysis?
- What is carbonation?
- What is gelifluction and how does it occur?
- What is frost heave and how does it occur?
- What is frost creep and how does it occur?
Useful Resources
- physicalgeography.net - periglacial processes and landforms
- 'Glaciation and Periglaciation' text book by Knight pages 70-74
Activity Three - Periglacial Landforms
Now you know how material is weathered and how it can move we can begin to look at the different landforms found in periglacial areas.
Image One - Patterned Ground
Image Two - Solifluction Lobes
Image Three - Thermokarst
Image Four - Pingo Formation - Closed System
Image Five - Pingo Formation - Open System
As the syllabus point focuses on four so shall we. Copy and complete the table below using the images above, the slide share below and the suggested text book.
Periglaciation from Mark Rollins
- Landforms.eu - solifluction
- 'Glaciation and Periglaciation' text book by Knight pages 74-79
An Amusing Clip - Conditions in the Artic - Baffin Island, Canada
Image Six - Location Map of Baffin Island