001 - Time-space convergence and the reduction in the friction of distance

Syllabus Point

Explain (AO2) how a reduction in the friction of distance results in time-space convergence.

Examine (A03) the relative changes in the speed and capacity of two types of transport (air, ocean, road, rail, pipeline) responsible for the flow of goods, materials and people.

Taken From: http://www.stonybrook.edu/libmap/coordinates/seriesa/no3/harvey2.gif

Key Terminology

Define the terms above using the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom, the 'Global Interactions' text book by Guinness and the links provided.

Activity One - Watch

Watch the youtube clips below which show how key inventions helped to 'shrink' the world. As you watch them try and answer the questions below as the answers will form the basis of examples which you can use in the exam.

  1. What stops people from travelling? These are the causes of friction of distance.
  2. As you watch the DVD 'James May - Honey I shrunk the World', make notes on how technology has resulted in time-space convergence. Look out for the following systems:
              • Transport
              • Communication

3. How has television helped 'diffuse' ideas?

4. From the clips you have just watched which form of transport do you think had the greatest influence on shrinking the world? Explain your


Activity Two - Case Study 1 - Container Shipping

  • Using the three images below, guess what the ships are carrying.
Taken From - http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tFECp-EoGoo/VeqyrO_bZPI/AAAAAAAABLM/6yT7L2skXog/s1600/Dockwise%2BVanguard%2Bmed%2BSpar%2Bplattform%2B2011%2B11%2B15_tcm4-478948.JPG
Taken From: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Sheep_Ship_2.jpg

Complete the following questions using the useful resources and maps below the questions.

  1. Using the maps below compare the changes in shipping routes.
  2. How has container shipping changed the speed that goods and materials can be moved around the world?
  3. How has container shipping changed the capacity that goods and materials can be moved around the world?

18th Century Global Shipping Routes

Taken From - https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2012/4/12/1334239996224/Historical-shipping-route-001.jpg?w=620&q=55&auto=format&usm=12&fit=max&s=dd4754bb0a73df9cf8294388440d9ab5

2012 - Global Shipping Routes

Taken From - http://www.divergingmarkets.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/2013.04.16.Global-Shipping-Routes.png
Taken From - https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51poy8y4ItL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Activity Three - Case Study 2 - Air

  • Write up your notes from the James May clip on how air travel has caused time-space convergence.
      • Make sure you are focusing on speed and capacity.
      • If you need more information use the useful links below.

Exam Style Question

Explain how the changes in one form of transport has led to time-space convergence. (10 marks)

Google document

Thank you Leah Edwards for this