006 - Invincible Desert Animal

Conceptual Question

Can an invincible desert animal that can survive the harsh desert conditions be designed?

Key Terminology

  • Invincible

Write down the definition of invincible and what you think could make an animal 'invincible'. We will discuss this after as a group.

Activity One - Adapation

  • Watch the slide slow and suggest the different ways that the animals have adapted to living in a desert region.
Desert Animals

Activity Two - Design

There are many ways that animals and plants have adapted to survive in deserts. It is your task to design an animal using your knowledge of the adaptations of the cacti, camel and your homework animal. Do think about the hot, dry and sandy conditions that an animal has to conquer to survive. Aspects to consider include:

  • movement
  • food and water
  • protection - other animals and the harsh climatic conditions
  • reproduction


Name of Animal

Annotated Diagram of Desert Animal

Explanation of how the animal survives.

How will I be assessed?

  1. The individual design for the desert animal - Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

How will I be assessed?

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Activity Two - Two heads are better than one

  1. Now you have designed your own animal you will be partnered with a peer to combine your ideas to improve the animal's invincibility.
  2. Collect an A3 piece of paper, draw the new animal in the centre of the page and annotate its key survival features.

ICT Collaboration - LucidPress

Instead of using A3 paper you can collate all your information and ideas on LucidPress. It is an excellent way to share and present your work. First of all you will need to scan your initial design.


  • You will need your ID card and your invincible desert animal.
  • Use your ID card to sign in to the photocopier (to the left of the screen) and then press the scan/print/copy button on the screen.
  • Then press scan.
  • Then press scan 'to myself'.
  • Open the lid of the photocopier and place your diagram face down on the glass.
  • Press the green button to scan your work.
  • Your work will now be sent to your email address as a pdf.


  • Click the sign in using google red button on the screen.
  • Sign in using your school email address and password.
  • Click on the green button +document at the top of the screen.
  • Choose a template for your work.


  1. Title page - Name of assessment
  2. Page 2 - Description of the task
  3. Page 3 - One team member's - PDF Photo of individual design invincible desert animal - desert habitat - summary of animals key features.
  4. Page 4 - Second team member's - PDF Photo of individual design invincible desert animal - desert habitat - summary of animals key features.
  5. Page 5 - Collaboration of invincible desert animal - PDF photo of design - desert habitat - full description and explanation of animal's characteristics.


The easiest way to share the Lucidpress template with your team mate and me is to press the share button and choose the 'access link'. Then click on the blue generate link button. Copy the link and email it to your team mate and me.

How will I be assessed?

  1. The combined design for the desert animal - Criterion D: Thinking Critically

How will I be assessed?

Criterion D: Thinking Critically

Activity Three - Making Models

Your animals have been entered in to the 'animal war games' to see who's animal really is 'invincible'.

To enter the competition you will need to provide the A3 sheet from the task above and a model of your animal. (The model can be made from play-dough, clay, paper mache, fabric etc it is entirely up to your team.) You will also need to prepare a presentation outlining the key features of your animal that will last no more than 3 minutes. You can use google slides or a poster board to aid your presentation. Remember to include the key features that you discussed at the beginning of this task:

  • movement
  • food and water
  • protection - other animals and the harsh climatic conditions
  • reproduction

Activity Four - Presentation

  1. What important aspects should we look for during each presentation? Share your ideas on the padlet board below:

Peer Assessment

As each team presents you will write notes on the different aspects of their animal as this will help you to evaluate it. You will be given a grid to help structure the notes. After each presentation you will have a chance to ask the team questions and then you will fill in the form below.

Note - to reset the form just 'refresh'

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed using Criterion C - Communicating

How will I be assessed?

Criterion C: Communicating

Potential Music

Can be played while students are writing their evaluations.

Activity Five - Personal Evaluation

You have designed, made and presented your desert animal but what did you like about your animal and how could you improve on it if you were to do an assignment like this again?

  • I would expect you to write at least five sentences.

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed using Criterion B - Investigating.

How will I be assessed?

Criterion B: Investigating

Winner's Song