005 - Alien Species and Overfishing

Factual Question

How does the process of human interactions within the ocean systems create ecological changes?

Conceptual Question

How can oceans and the resource they contain ever be used sustainably?

Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information - Make inferences and draw conclusions.

Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Describe

As always it is important to focus on the numbers when looking at an issue. While numbers do not always tell the whole or complete story they help us to ask questions about different issues. For this activity we are going to focus on overfishing.

Activity Two - Detailed Example - Overfishing

Now you have an understanding of some of the statistics surrounding the issue of overfishing in our oceans it is important to look at a specific example to know wha the impact is. A detailed example is something that you could write a couple of paragraphs about within an essay. For your own knowledge this means creating about half a page of notes with data to illustrate your points. 

Useful Resources

Activity Three - Describe

It is all well and good for me to just tell you that there has been an incease in shipping due to a growing demand of consumer goods but it is always good to base that on facts and data. After all my shopping habit is not perhaps considered as a reliable form of evidence when considering how globally interconnected we have become!

Activity Four - Detailed Example - Alien Species

For this activity you  are going to explore the impact that increased rates of shipping are having on the environment. We are going to focus on the threat that invasive species such as the Chinese Mitten Crab is having in Scotland due to the rise in the amount of container ships that travel throughout our oceans. Answer the following questions.

Cargo Pollution

Ships Carrying Invasive Species

Mitten Crabs