002 - Weathering and Erosion
Factual Question
What is the difference between the processes of erosion and weathering?
Key Terminology
Through flow
Surface Storage
Leaf drip (drip tip)
Overland flow
Ground water flow
Onion- skin weathering
Freeze-thaw weathering
Biological weathering
Chemical weathering
You will learn about the words above throughout the lesson, but if you are still unsure of any of them then click on the links below for the definitions. As you use the words in your written work, highlight them and write a definition of their meaning.
Useful Links
Activity One - Review
In Year 7 you will have looked at the importance of water and how it helped to shape the landscape. The hydrological cycle (water cycle) is a closed system which means it has no beginning or end. Watch the youtube clip below and answer the following four questions:
What is the water cycle?
How does the water cycle work?
Copy the diagram below and add the key terminology labels from above.
Define all the words that are mentioned in the clip that you do not know the meaning of.
Using the Word Wall connect the term to the definition - we can do this as a group.
Useful Resources
Carbon Cycle
Water Cycle Song - 1
Water Cycle Song - 2
Activity Two - Weathering and Erosion
Weathering and erosion are vital processes of change. You may remember looking at processes when you explored the 'Wonderful World' unit in Year 7. You have had had a few sleeps since then though or you may be new to the school so it is always good to recap. Watch the YouTube clip and then answer the questions below.
What is weathering?
What is erosion?
What are the different types of weathering?
Design a flow chart to explain how the different sections of weathering occur.
Copy the table below and fill in the columns explaining how water, ice and wind are all forms of erosion.
Use the information in the 'Useful Resources' box to create a guide for next Year 8s on how erosion occurs. You will need to include a diagram which is annotated and an explanation of how the process happens.
Weathering and Erosion
Useful Resources
Image Two - Coastal Erosion
Image Five - Wind Transportation
Image Four - Glacial Erosion
Image Three - River Erosion
Activity Three - Review
You just need to listen and be amazed!!