001 - What are oceans?

Factual Question

What is an ocean and why are they important to sustain human lives?

Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information - Make inferences and draw conclusions.

Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Explore

It is also important to focus on how these ocean environments can have a critical impact on our daily lives and in turn how we are impacting this fragile environment. We will be exploring the impact of our actions in more detail throughout this unit. Answer the following questions by using the information in the 'Useful Resources' box. Remember to write in full sentences to explain your thoughts!

Our Incredible Ocean

National Geographic - Question 2

Activity Two - See, Think, Wonder

It is always important to start a unit by having a good knowledge of why we have included a unit on oceans into our curriculum. As oceans cover 70% of the Earth's surface and contain 97% of all water on Earth they have a huge impact on our lives, even though we live in the land locked country of Switzerland! For this activity you are going to mainly interrogate an image. 

Step One

You are going to describe what you 'See'. 

Step Two

'Think' about what you see and write down what you think is happening in the image . 

Step Three

'Wonder' about the image. What questions do you have about the image. The wondering can be completed as a series of questions.


Useful Resources

See, Think, Wonder

Activity Three - Comprehension - Key Facts

It is good to have an understanding of the fundamentals of the processes that happen within our oceans. To do this you are going to complete a series of comprehension questions using the information in the 'Useful Resources' box. Write your answers in full sentences in your book. 

Useful Resources

The 5 Oceans of the World

Inspire Education

Key Facts About Oceans


Ocean Conveyor Belt Mapping Exercise

Blank map of the World