004 - Impact of digital hub

Debatable Question

Compare and contrast the impact that a telecommunications hub has on an area within India.

Key Terminology

            • Compare
            • Contrast
            • Telecommunications
            • Outsourcing
            • Impact
            • SPEED

Define the key terms above using the command term posters in the classroom and the useful links provided below:

Useful Links:

Taken From: https://www.google.ch/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=strict&q=define:hub

Activity One - Case Study

You are charged with writing a newspaper report on the impact that increased levels of telecommunications in India is having on their society and others. You will focus on the area of Bangalore which is the heart of the call centre industry. The key question is:

Compare and contrast the impact that a telecommunications hub has on an area within India.

By using a specific location to investigate we call that a case study, but what is a case study?

      • Write down a list of things you think you should include in a case study.

Activity Two - Newspaper

You will be using LucidPress to present your newspaper report on the impact of telecommunications within Bangalore, India. For this newspaper you need to include the following specifics:

Newspaper Report Specifics

You need to include the following aspects in your newspaper report:

      1. What is a hub?
      2. Why hubs are important in economics and development.
      3. What are telecommunications?
      4. Why telecommunications are important.
      5. How Bangalore developed as a telecommunication hub.
      6. The benefits the hub brings to Bangalore - SPEED.
      7. The problems that a hub brings to Bangalore - SPEED.


  • What impact is this growth having on how India is perceived globally?

Presentation Format

You will be using LucidPress to present this newspaper report. Sign in to LucidPress using google and your school account. No need to pay for an account!

      • Choose a layout that is appropriate for a newspaper.
      • Name of newspaper
      • Heading - bold, eye catching
      • Sub-headings to help structure your report
      • Images/maps
      • Bibliography
      • Approximately 1200-1500 words
Copy of Search

If you are struggling with how to write a newspaper have a look at the advice given from the BBC:

BBC Bitesize - Writing a Newspaper Report

Useful Resources - Search

Useful Resources on how to Search

To help you get started with this process there are a series of resources provided for you in this section. Some are youtube clips (remember to use your headphones), newspaper articles and journals. They are not exhaustive so you can search for other forms of information. Do remember when you search think about the words you are using, do you want it to include an exact phrase to search or even a timespan. To help with this use the help sheet below on how to search more effectively:

Useful Resources

How will I be assessed?

You will be assessed on Criteria A - Knowing and Understanding, Criteria B - Investigating, Criteria C - Communication and Criteria D - Thinking Critically. For the specific strands look in the text box below:

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Criterion B: Investigating

Criterion C: Communicating

Criterion D: Thinking Critically