001 - Degradation from raw material production - Part 1
Syllabus Point
Identify (AO1) the effects of agro-industrialization and changes in international production and consumption on the physical environment.
Key Terminology
- Identify
- Discuss
- Examine
- Agro-industrialization
- Food miles
- Green Revolution
Define the words above using the command word posters in the classroom, your 'Geography Course Companion' by Nagle and Cooke and the links provided.
Activity One - Watch
Watch the clip below and answer the following questions:
- Describe the effects that agro-industrialisation has had on dairy farming.
- What are the key characteristics of agro-business?
- From what you have studied so far where do you think that agro-business is prevalent?
- How has agro-industrialisation impacted international production and consumption?
- What impact has this production had on the environment?
Activity Two - Analysis
The main aspect of this syllabus point is to look at how agro-industrialisation has impacted the environment. Using the text book 'Geography for the IB Diploma. Global Interactions' by Guinness Pages 94-99 make notes on how intensive farming impacts the environment. Consider the following points as you make the notes:
- What are the key areas of devastation?
- How does agro-business impact greenhouse emissions? Use the USA as an example - don't forget to include figures.
- How does the production of meat impact the environment?
- What is the vertical food-chain integration?
- What concerns do people have about GM food?
- What is the environmental impact of the Green Revolution?
- Can organic farming be a 'cure' to GM food and agro-industrialisation?
- How does food waster and food packaging impact the environment?
Activity Three - Watch
Copy and complete the table below and as we watch the documentary 'From Crop to Shop - Jimmy's Supermarket Secrets'.
Exam Style Question
Examine the environmental impact of growing the same crops all year around. (10 marks)