004 - People and Places

Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

Impacts of climate change on people and places, including health hazards, migration and ocean transport routes.


Global climate change will impact people and places. Some places will be impacted to a great extent than others depending upon the location and the processes at work.


Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Why Focus on Climate Change?

As we know climate change is a controversial topic but it has been in the news for years. Why are we bothering to study a topic that seems old news? Read ONE of the articles below and make notes on the impact that climate change could have if the Earth warmed by just 1.5 Celsius.

Activity Two - Impact - Sea Levels

The United Nations is now suggesting that our planet is on course for warming by 3 Celsius and this would have a dramatic impact on sea levels. Many people live by the coast as it provides opportunities for food, transportation, and employment. Unfortunately, areas that would have been seen as desirable areas to live are now at risk and it could cause mass migration or even death. Asia is the continent that is the most at risk due to the sheer amount of people who live near the coast. Answer the following questions to gain knowledge and understanding of the impact of the change in sea levels.

Activity Three - Impact - Migration

As we have now looked at sea level changes we are going to link this a little to migration. If you are a Higher Level geographer you will have an example of forced migration due to climate change. If not or you need to add more detail we are now going to focus on Kiribati in Micronesia and Kivalina, Alaska. Answer the following questions:

Useful Resources

Activity Four - Impact - Transport Routes

We are going to be sticking with the theme of water and investigating the impact of less ice in the North Sea. 

Activity Five - Impact - Disease

We often think of global warming as something that is happening in other areas, we do not feel a huge impact in Switzerland, yet. We have had warmer summers and we can't ski for as many days as we used to but we are safe, aren't we? Tropical disease are migrating to Europe and as temperatures continue to rise there is nothing to stop them impacting us. Climate change can also cause malnutrition in humans as the crops people are used to relying on for food may no longer grow in certain areas. We are going to look at the West Nile virus in Europe and malnutrition on the Pacific Islands. Answer the questions below.

Exam Style Question

'Climate change can have a positive impact on humans.' Discuss [10 marks]