001 - What is it?

Factual Questions

Why should we do an investigation?

What does geographical fieldwork look like?

Activity One - Logistics

You will be taught by a variety of teachers for this project therefore you need to know where everything will be kept or stored. If you currently study Individuals and Societies in English you will write your report in English and if you study it in French you will it in French. Most of the instruction will be in English but your French I&S teacher will also be creating resources in French. 

While those are the primary platforms or sites that you will be using, there are also a wealth of textbooks in the classroom that you may want to use to help you with this investigation.

Activity Two - Assessment

You will be assessed using the formal Year 5 MYP criteria. You will assessed using all four of the MYP criteria except the final strand of Criterion D Thinking Critically.

Critical Thinking Assessment Criteria Year 11 - Individuals and Societies

Activity Three - Discussion

Before we even look at what field work is we are going to discuss why we are doing this project. It is important to have an understanding of the types of skills that you will need to undertake an Internal Assessment at the Diploma Level successfully. There is nothing to say that you shouldn't be exposed to those skills in the MYP to try and make the transition between the programmes easier. You guys have chosen to specialise in Geography for these final weeks of the year which basically means you will be completing a primary data investigation. Answer the two questions below and then we will discuss them as a group.

Activity Four - Creation

Section A - Fieldwork Question and Geographic Context really helps to set the scene of the investigation. This section should be no more than 200 words in length. We are all go to use the same fieldwork question to answer for this investigation. The fieldwork question will guide your whole assignment and will need to be recorded on the first page of your work. 

Fieldwork Question - 'How do differing powers impact the urban landscape?'

Activity Five - Create - Hypotheses

To personalise your investigations you will need to create your own hypotheses. From our initial discussions on power create no more than TWO hypotheses. These should be short and concise (approximately 10 words in length).

Example Hypotheses

Noise pollution will increase with proximity to a transport hub.

Transnational Corporations have a greater influence on the high street than local brands.

Activity Six - Geographic Context

For every piece of fieldwork that you undertake for Geography (don't panic we only do one in the DP) you should give the geographic or locational context of where your investigation will be taking place. This should include a written description and a location map. Mr. Allaway will go through with you how to produce a good location map that adds value to your investigation. Create a sub heading - 'Geographic Context'. Your written description does not have to be long, one paragraph is plenty.  Try and include the following points:

Formal Requirements

This is just a reminder of how your investigation should look so far: