002 - Soil and Change

Syllabus Point

Explain (AO2) the causes of soil degradation.

Discuss (AO3) the environmental and socio-economic consequences of this process, together with management strategies.

Taken From: https://canwefeedtheworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/id-10042579.jpg

Key Terminology

  • Explain
  • Discuss
  • Degradation

Define the terms above using the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom and the useful link below.

Useful Link

Activity One - Explain

Before we can begin to look at the causes of soil degradation we need to know what soil is. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is soil?
  2. How is soil formed?
  3. Why is soil important?

Useful Link

Activity Two - Describe

  1. Using the map below describe the pattern of soil degradation across the world.
  2. Collect a piece of A3 paper and create a mind map of the potential causes of the soil degradation.
Taken From: http://images.slideplayer.com/13/4146018/slides/slide_27.jpg

Activity Three - Explain

Now we know what soil is and which areas of the world are the most impacted by soil degradation lets discuss the key causes.

  • Watch the clip below and add any other causes of soil erosion that you do not have on your mind map.
  • Now read the slideshare and the pdf and add any further information to your mind map.

Chapter 7 section 3 (soil erosion) from Mr. Motuk

  • Using highlighters or coloured pens by underlining, divide the causes in to human and physical factors.

Activity Three - Consequences

  1. Copy the table below and bullet point the list of consequences from soil degradation.
Soil Degradation - Consequnces

Useful Links

Activity Four - Exam Style Question

Using a named and located example, discuss the management of soil degradation. (15 marks)

Plan out the essay title above. Remember the focus for this is management so you will need to do a little research. Think about using examples such as China to complete this question.

Useful Link

Copy of How to write an e...say graphic organizer.doc