002 - Change
Factual Question
How can history teach us about change and continuity?
Key Terminology
- Change
- Continuity
- Obituary report
Without a device write down what you think the above words mean. Remember to write in full sentences.
Activity One - Discussion
As a teacher, I would assume you already know what history is and why it is an important subject to explore, but should I be so presumptuous? Talk about the following questions with your neighbour and then we will discuss them as a group.
- What does history mean to you?
- What images do you have in your head about history?
- Describe what you think a typical history teacher looks like.
- Where do you get your ideas about history from?
- What sources of information are influential in your life?
Activity Two - Important People
Historians often talk about important people who have influenced global change or change within their own country. Change can mean many things; the person may have changed their country for the positive such as given everyone voting rights which has influenced how the country is viewed globally. The consequence of the change caused by an influential character in history does not always have to be positive as there are many individuals that have caused conflict. You are going to investigate a person that has effected change in the country that you hold a passport for. I have a British passport so therefore I would be looking for an interesting character from British history such as Elizabeth I or Winston Churchill. Once you have investigated your character you are going to write an obituary report.
- Focus on an interesting character from the country that you hold a passport for (this may be different to the country that you were born in).
- Your obituary should be no more than 200 words long.
- You will write the obituary on LucidPress.
- Bibliography - is your source of information from primary or secondary sources.
- When they were born and died.
- Where they were born and died.
- A paragraph describing why that person interests you.
- A paragraph describing why they are important in history, including how they have caused a change and what the consequence of the change was.