001 - Reasons for Exploration

Factual Question

Why did people explore during the Renaissance period?

Who were the earliest explorers?

Why were the explorers achievements seen as incredible feats?

Taken From: https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5838682/il_fullxfull.272890186.jpg

Image One - Captain John Smith

Key Terminology

            • Exploration
            • Pirate
            • Astrolabe

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below.

Useful Links

Activity One - Describe

Using the map in Image One answer the following questions. Do remember that this is Individuals and Societies and therefore you need to be writing in full sentences.

      1. Describe the location of the key empires of 1400 to 1700.
      2. Why do you think there is a Euro centric bias to this to this map?

Activity Two - Watch

This task will be completed individually and therefore you will need headphones to watch the YouTube clip below. As you watch the clip answer the questions on paper.

      1. Write down all the explorers, where they were from and where they went to that John Green mentions.
      2. Who dominated trade?
      3. Why were the explorers eager to set sail?
      4. What were the explorers boats like?
      5. What is a flagship boat?
      6. Why was China important at this time?
      7. Why was the Chinese Wall built? What impact did the wall have?
      8. Why was Prince Henry the Navigator important?
      9. Why does John Green call the Portuguese 'glorified pirates'?
      10. What was the negative impact of exploration?

Activity Three - Technological Innovations

During this period of history travel was extremely dangerous; there was no technology as we know it today (even my little mini has Sat Nav) but that doesn't mean there wasn't anything to guide these intrepid explorers on their travels. Explain how the following instruments were used to aid the sailors on their journeys:

                    • Compass
                    • Lead
                    • Knotted Rope
                    • Astrolabe