002 - Labour Flows
Syllabus Point
Explain (AO2) the causes and effects of one major flow of labour between two countries.
Key Terminology
- Explain
- Labour flow
- Push and pull factors
Define the words using the command word posters in the classroom, your text book 'Global Interactions' by Guinness or the useful link provided below:
Useful Link
- Labour Flow
- Push and Pull factors - see diagram
Activity One - Identify
Models are often used to represent the migration of people as they help to summarise the process that people go through when they move. With this in mind answer the following questions.
- What does the image below represent?
- How does it help to explain why people may migrate due to economic reasons?
Image One - Migration Model
Activity Two - Case Study
- Develop a case study for labour flows. You will need to include the following:
- The causes of the migration - remember to look at the social, economic, environmental and political factors for movement - all will help to create a 'push' for an economic migrant.
- Impact of the labour flow on the country of origin - think SEEP
- Impact of the labour flow in the country of destination/ host country - think SEEP
- Looking at the evidence in points 2 and 3 do you think labour flows should be managed? If so, how? You could also use evidence from your own experiences or from what you have read in the news.
Useful Resources
Migration Policy - Mexicans into the USA
How Mexican Immigration has Evolved in the USA
USA Today - What Mexican Immigration Problem?
'Global Interactions' text book by Guinness pages 73 - 80
Activity Three - Dispelling Myths
There is currently a lot written about the negatives of migrant movement both into Europe and the USA but is it actually justified? Watch the youtube clip below from Crash Course Economics and mindmap how migration can be positive for a country.
Exam Style Question
Explain the causes and effects of one major international labour flow. (10 marks)
Thank you Leah Edwards for this.