007 - Where in the World?

Factual Question:

Where does the global population live and how is this changing?

Conceptual Question:

To what extent have increased global links (globalisation) impacted where people (populations) live?

Approaches to learning

Information literacy skills - Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information - Access information to be informed and inform others.

Key Terminology

            • Sparsely populated

            • Densely populated

            • Under populated

            • Over populated

            • Optimum population

            • Carrying capacity

Throughout the lesson the words above will be defined. If you are still unsure of their meaning click on the link below for more details:

Useful Links

Activity One - Skill

By now you have probably realised that geographers like to use maps to convey information. The maps we use can be quite varied. Answer the following questions by using Image One produced by World Mapper and Image Two.

      1. Using Image One, describe the global distribution of population.

      2. Using Image Two, describe the density of global population.

      3. What are the benefits and problems of using image one?

      4. What are the benefits and problems of using image two?

Image Two - Population Density

Activity Two - Comprehension

You now know where people generally tend to live on a global scale and we are now going to focus on this by comparing countries. Using the slide share below answer the following questions:

      1. Define the terms in the key terminology section.

      2. Draw a diagram to describe the concept of sparsely and densely populated areas.

      3. Give three examples of sparsely and densely populated areas.

      4. Why is one area more densely populated than another? We will fill in the padlet as a group and then the ideas will be discussed.

      5. Now we have discussed the main reasons why an area may be more populated than another, in your opinion, what are the top three factors which can influence where people live?

Activity Three - Place - Crowd Sourcing

Your task is to create a short presentation for your peers describing and explaining the population density of a country of your choice. You will be using Google Slides to aid you in this process - there will be one slideshow for the whole class. You will be placed into teams of approximately two or three to complete this task.

      • As a team decide on ONE country to focus on .

      • Create a presentation of no more than three minutes.

      • Where is the densest population within your country?

      • Why is that or do those areas contain the greatest amount of people?

      • Where is the sparest populated area(s) within your chosen country?

      • Why is that or those areas sparsely populated?

Year 10 - 2020 - Population Density

Activity Four - Essay

We have described and interpreted graphs, created infographics and now is the time to go a little retro and to write an essay which will explore population density.

To what extent have increased global links impacted where people (populations) live?

Tackling the Question

Before you can begin to plan your answer to this question you need to consider what it is actually asking of you. Follow the steps below to identify and understand what the question is asking.

            1. BUG the question.

                  • Box the command term. This is the doing word and it will tell you how to 'attack' the question. If you need to define that command term have a look at the posters in the classroom.

                  • Underline the 'Geography'. What is the focus of the essay from what we have studied?

                  • Go back and re-read the question.

            2. Collect a copy of the 'Think, Pair, Share' sheet below and follow the routine.

            3. Then move onto the planning stage - we will be using MindMeister.

Planning - MindMeister

It is vital that you plan your essay before you begin to write so that it has a clear and coherant structure to it. We will be using MindMeister to plan out your essay.

        • Open a new MindMeister page and it would be best to use a 'blank' page than a predecided layout.

        • Before you start planning your essay it is always good to define what the command term means. Have a look at the posters in the classroom and write down a definition of the command term - discuss.

        • On your MindMeister page write the essay title in the middle of the page.

        • From the middle box create siblings for your introduction, three key paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography.

Planning - The Geography

          • Show an understanding of the Demographic Transition Model in terms of how developed a country is.

          • Show an understanding of what development means - economic growth, high levels of education, access to health care, high standard of living, higher salaries (GDP/GNP), etc.

          • Consider the importance of migration.

          • To include dot or choropleth maps to illustrate the population density and distribution within regions.

          • What is the opposing argument? Perhaps consider the importance of physical factors such as access to the sea, flat fertile land, proximity to rivers (freshwater), deserts, mountain ranges, extreme environments, etc. Or even the human factors which make it difficult for people to live in - conflict


      • Introduction - What is population density? What your main ideas are. What examples of place you are going to use.

      • Main Body - Three key paragraphs focusing on for and against the assertion arguments. Remember to explain your idea and then to illustrate it using examples of place (countries, cities, regions and data).

      • Conclusion - Summarising your points and deciding if the statement is more true or false. No new ideas.

Essay Structure

        • Five paragraph essay - including a clear introduction and conclusion

        • P = point - what is your main idea for the paragraph?

        • E = explain - say why your main point occurs

        • E = exemplify - give an example of place with data to illustrate your point

        • L = link back to the question - to show the relationship between your point and what the essay is asking of you


      • 1000 word limit

      • Typed - size 12 font

      • Tahoma, New Times Roman or Verdana font

      • Create a header and write in it your name, the year, and I&S.

      • Footnotes and a Bibliography to cite your sources (MLA format)

      • Each map or graph used should be labeled with a figure number and a title e.g. 'Figure 1 - A World map showing areas population density (worldmapper.org)

      • Submit a pdf of your essay onto ManageBac so that turnitin can be used

      • Print out your essay to hand to your teacher on the due date

How will I be assessed?

Population Density - Assessment Criteria 10 - Individuals and Societies

Activity Five - The Perfect Amount of People?

      1. Using your own knowledge define the terms under, over and optimum population. We will discuss this as a group.

      2. Give an example of a country which is considered under populated.

      3. Give an example of a country which is considered over populated.

      4. Give an example of a country which is close to its optimum population.

      5. Ethiopia has a population of 73,053,300 and a land mass of 1,127,127.00 SqKm and is considered over populated but the UK has a population of 60,441,500 but only has a land mass of 244,820.00 SqKm and is considered to close to its optimum population. Why is this?

      6. What factors define whether a country is over populated or not?

      7. What might change a country from being over populated to having an optimum population or even to be considered under populated?

Useful Resource
