009 - Review
Debatable Question
How can you review your work effectively for a test?
Test Outline
The test could include any element from the 'The Cities of the Future' unit.
The test will last one hour.
You will get 5 minutes reading time.
The test will be out of 30 marks in total
You will need to write in the answer boxes provided.
20 of those marks will be based on Short Answer Questions (SAQs).
10 of those marks will be based on an Extended Answer Question (EAQ - the essay).
You will be examined on the content that you have covered within the 'Cities of the Future' unit.
All of the questions that are classified as Short Answer Questions will range from 1 mark to 6 marks.
You may be asked to define key subject-specific terms.
There will be a stimulus for your to interpret (graph, map, image).
This relates to Criterion A - knowing and understanding.
For the Extended Answer Question you will need to choose to answer one from two options.
To answer the Extended Answer Question it should be structured as an essay - beginning, a middle and an end.
Approaching the Test Questions
When reading any question, whether it is timed conditions are not, you should BUG the question. What does BUG mean?
B - Box the command term (this tells you what to do - the action).
U - Underline what the main point of the question is. For example that could be the 'Malthusian theory' for this test.
G - Go back and reread the question. It is always good to read the question through twice to make sure you haven't missed anything.
Then consider what the command terms actually mean. The most common ones used in tests include - Describe, Explain, Define, Identify, Discuss, Analyse, Compare and Contrast. But what do all of those words mean? You could either do a quick search online, take photos of the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom or you could click on the 'Useful Resource' link below.
The third aspect to consider is the value of each question. For example, if the question is worth one mark you should be writing about one sentence outlining one point. A three mark question will probably require three key points.
Useful Resource
Content Covered
These are the different aspects of the course that we have covered. I would suggest that you review this list alongside your lesson notes to make sure that you haven't missed anything.
What is a migrant?
Types of migrants
Asylum seeker
Undocumented migrant
Economic migrant
Causes of migration (the process)
Push and pull factors
Models of Migration
Lee's Model of Migration
Ravenstein's Law - updates and criticism
What is a megacity?
Where are megacities located?
Where and why is the location of megacities changing over time?
Problems of megacities
Advantages of megacities
How migration can cause inequalities
Inequality - Social, Economic, Environmental, Political
Informal Housing
Dharavi as a case study - problems and solutions
Movement towards sustainability within an urban environment
Definition of sustainability
Sustainability stool
Location of sustainable cities for the different pillars - People, Profit, Planet
Linear and Circular System
Examples of sustainability - half built house, transport, energy, recycling
Cities of the future
Cities of the Future
Floating cities
Lego House
Green Cities
Interpretation of maps - Google Earth/ Google Maps
Interpretation of images
Interpretation of graphs
When you describe a pattern or trend remember to do the following:
Describe the obvious pattern or trend e.g. increasing/decreasing/fluctuating.
Then be specific - include data.
Are there any anomalies? Use data to be specific.
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed using Criteria A - Knowledge and Understanding - both strands, Criteria C - Communicating - strands i and ii and Criteria D - Thinking Critically - strands i and ii.
Revision - Activity One - Definitions
For the first 20 minutes of this review lesson, go through your notes and what you already have on ankiweb and add to ankiweb any subject-specific terms that you may need to access a question or to write an answer. These can often be found at the beginning of each lesson but there may well be others.
Revision - Activity Two - Revision Clock
Thank you to www.geographyallthway.com for this activity. Follow the steps below for this activity:
Collect the worksheet below and two different coloured pens.
For each segment on the sheet you will have 60 seconds to fill it in. Each segment has a different focus and the header will let you know what that is. Use the same colour for filling in your own knowledge.
After the 60 seconds the class as a group will spend a further two minutes going through what they remember doing. Add to your revision clock anything that you have missed. Use the second coloured pen to do this so that it stands out.
Revision - Activity Three - Task Review
Go back through the tasks on geogalot and complete anything that you have missed due to an absence. As you go through your notes add the big ideas (concepts) to your ankiweb cards.
Revision - Activity Four - Watch
The YouTube clip below is a shortened version of an excellent two part show presented by Kevin McCloud (a British designer) outlining the issues and solutions of urban growth in Dharavi. The actual episodes last about an hour each and this is the 30 minute version. Watch the YouTube clip and add to your notes on ankiweb about the issues which surround informal housing settlements.