005 - Temperature
Factual Question
What effects the temperature of an area?
Key Terminology
- Prevailing wind
Define the word above by using the useful link below.
Useful Link
Activity One - Watch
You are going to be investigating how temperature can vary depending on its location. To do this you are initially going to watch the youtube clip below.
- In the middle of your page write the word temperature.
- As you watch the youtube clip below mindmap all the factors which influence the temperature of an area.
- Some groups may want to write their results down collaboratively, to do this fill in the padlet below the clip.
Activity Two - Teach
The aim of this activity is to teach to the group the causes of why temperature can vary across the world. The group will be divided into teams to create a presentation of their findings.
Detail of Task
- The 'magic' pot will divide the group in to six teams.
- Each team will be given a temperature variable to research and present to the group.
- You will have 20 minutes to research the variable - using text books from the cupboard, worksheets and websites.
- You will be using Mindmeister to collate and share your ideas with your team. Or you can use an A3 sheet of paper and coloured pens.
- The temperature variables are:
- Distance from the coast
- Prevailing wind
- Ocean currents
- Height above sea level
- Shelter
- How built up an area is
- 5 minute oral presentation
- You can use GoogleSlides to help you present
- If you use GoogleSlides remember to only use images and bullet points
- Everyone in the group must speak!
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed using Criteria A - Knowing and Understanding and Criteria C - Communicating.
Activity Three - Evaluation
Answer the following questions after you have completed your presentation. You should be aiming to write at least three sentences for each point.
- What went well about the research process?
- How could you improve the research process?
- What was positive about your presentation?
- After listening to the other presentations, what could you do to improve if you were to do this exercise again?
Activity Four - Review
We are going to be using a classic Geography textbook for this activity 'Key Geography New Foundations' by Waugh and Bushell. Answer the activity questions on Page 21. Remember to read the instructions carefully and to write in full sentences.