005 - Addressing Imbalances
Syllabus Point
Syllabus Point
Evaluate (AO3) the relative importance of food aid, free trade and fair trade in alleviating food shortages.
Key Terminology
- Evaluate
- Food aid
- Free trade
- Fair trade
Define the words above using the 'Command Word' posters in the classroom, the 'Geography Course Companion' text book by Cooke and Nagle and the links provided.
Activity One - Watch
Activity One - Watch
Activity Two - Investigate
Activity Two - Investigate
- Individually investigate each of the different methods that can be used to alleviate food shortages. What are they? In what ways can they alleviate poverty? Remember examples or case studies are vital in Geography.
- Food Aid
- Free Trade
- Fair Trade
- After the investigation you will be put into three groups who will then develop a presentation (no more than 5 minutes) that will attempt to convince the other two teams that their method of alleviating food shortages is the most successful.
- Present your views to the group. As you present your arguments to the group - each team will add extra points to their notes.
- After the presentation there will be a chance to question the views of each team.
General Article on Food shortages
Food Aid
Free Trade
- How freer trade can help feed the poor - IMF
- Negatives of free trade on Africa - Mongabay
- Food security, farming, WTO and CAFTA
Fair Trade
Exam Style Question
Exam Style Question
To what extent can free trade alleviate food shortages? (10 marks)