Skills Audit
Geographic skills are a critical part of the Geography course and they are generally woven into the teaching of the different syllabus points. The skills are distinctive to the methodology and approach of Geography as a discipline. While it may seem that there is a long list of skills to learn these are covered during the whole two years. There will be two lists developed to suggest which skills will be covered in Year 12 and which ones will be taught in Year 13 (the Year 12 list is below). It is much better to teach these skills in context rather than in isolation but we will review them before the examimation periods. You could be assessed on any of the skills during the exams and you will further demonstrate them during the Internal Assessment.
Skills Audit - Year One
Useful Resources
Maps - How to read maps
Differing world map views - complete the activities to gain an understanding of different world map views.
Contour Lines
Ordnance Survey
Grid References - 4 Figure Area
Ordnance Survey
Grid References - 6 Figure Grid
Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey
Latitude and Longitude
Darron Gedge - Geography Channel
Interpret, analyse and construct - Maps
Interpret, analyse and construct - Graphs and Images
How to read graphs
Research, process, and interpret data and information - General
Mean, median, and mode
Khan Academy
Mr. J
AP Human Geography
Math Antics
Moomoo Math and Science