001 - Human Development
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding
The multidimensional process of human development and ways to measure it:
Validity and reliability of development indicators and indices, including the human development index (HDI) and gender inequality index (GII).
Human development is a multidimensional process, which makes quantifying the indicators a challenge.
To understand that human development is a multidimensional process.
To understand the measuring human development is difficult due to its multidimensional nature.
To know that elements of human development can be measured using GNI, HDI and GII.
Key Terminology
Human Development Index - HDI
Gender Inquality Index - GII
Development Gap
Define the terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below:
Useful Links
Activity One - Validity?
Many of you will have looked at the idea of using composite forms of data before. We have used them in various parts of this course to compare different countries. But how valid is that data? We are going to look at the key components of the HDI and GII and evaluate how successful they are as indicators . To do this you will be watching a YouTube clip, using a data focused website to explore examples and the course textbook ' Geography Global Interactions. study and Revision Guide' by Simon Oakes page 44.
Life Expectancy
Watch the YouTube clip and make notes on how life expectancy is measured.
For our key countries - USA, UK, China, Morocco and Niger use the 'Useful Resource' to find our their life expectancy.
Do any of the results surprise you? Explain your thoughts.
Evaluate the use and validity of life expectancy as an indicator.
Useful Resource
World Bank - Life Expectancy Data
Calculating your life expectance - Blueprintincome and NMFN
Gross National Income
Watch the YouTube clip and make notes on how Gross National Income is measured.
For our key countries - USA, UK, China, Morocco and Niger use the 'Useful Resource' to find our their GNI.
Do any of the results surprise you? Explain your thoughts.
Evaluate the use and validity of GNI as an indicator.
Human Development Index
Watch the YouTube clip and make notes on how the Human Development Index is measured.
For our key countries - USA, UK, China, Morocco and Niger use the 'Useful Resource' to find our their HDI.
Do any of the results surprise you? Explain your thoughts.
Evaluate the use and validity of HDI as an indicator.
Gender Inequality Index
Watch the YouTube clip and make notes on how the Gender Inequality Index is measured.
For our key countries - USA, UK, China, Morocco and Niger use the 'Useful Resource' to find our their GII.
Do any of the results surprise you? Explain your thoughts.
Evaluate the use and validity of GII as an indicator.
Useful Resource
Exam Style Question
'Composite indicators are the only way to show the levels of human development. Discuss. [12 marks]
This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com