002 - The influence of TNCs

Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

The influence of TNCs (agribusinesses and the media) in shaping food consumption habits.


Agribusiness and the media have the power to shape our food consumption habits. 


Key Terminology

Activity One - Essay Preparation

To explore this syllabus point we are going to create an essay plan. It will help you to understand what is expected from an essay question along with discovering how your peers' write. Using the resources below plan your response. The Extended Response Question is:

Evaluate the role of TNCs in shaping food consumption.


McDonalds and Cargill

Cargill's Global Food System

Cargill - Clean Meat

Everything you need to know

Avocados from Mexico

Super Bowl Commercials

China's avocado craze

Activity Two - Group Writing

We are now going to write and mark the essay that you have planned as a group. 

Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Assessment Criteria - Extended Response Questions

Assessment Criteria P1 and P2 10 marks

Exam Style Question

Using a named example, explain TWO ways that TNCs have influence our food consumption habits. [4 marks]

This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com