002 - The influence of TNCs
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding
The influence of TNCs (agribusinesses and the media) in shaping food consumption habits.
Agribusiness and the media have the power to shape our food consumption habits.
To have knowledge and understanding of the influence of agribusiness TNCs in shaping food consumption.
To have knowledge and understanding of the influence of the media in shaping food consumption.
Key Terminology
No new terms will be used in this lesson.
Activity One - Essay Preparation
To explore this syllabus point we are going to create an essay plan. It will help you to understand what is expected from an essay question along with discovering how your peers' write. Using the resources below plan your response. The Extended Response Question is:
Evaluate the role of TNCs in shaping food consumption.
The first step is to learn about the control that TNCs have over the production and consumption of food. Grab a piece of A3 paper and a set of coloured pens. For each YouTube clip and link use a different colour to bullet point the impact that Cargill and the media have on food.
Useful Resources - TNCs and Food Consumption
McDonalds and Cargill
Cargill's Global Food System
Cargill - Clean Meat
Useful Resources - The Media
Choose one of these articles to read:
BBC - Cultural history of the avocado
Scientific America - How marketing changed the way we see avocado
Everything you need to know
Avocados from Mexico
Super Bowl Commercials
China's avocado craze
Activity Two - Group Writing
We are now going to write and mark the essay that you have planned as a group.
Step One
Everyone will be given a piece of lined A4 paper and you will all write an introduction within five minutes.
Once the five minutes is over you will be asked to fold the paper over and then you will pass it to the person on your left.
You will then be given another five minutes to write the first paragraph of the main body.
Once the five minutes is up you will be again asked to fold the piece of paper and to pass it to the second person on your left.
You will be given a further five minutes to write the second paragraph of your main body.
Once those five minutes are up you will fold the piece of paper over and pass it to the third person on your left.
This process will be followed another three times - two more main body paragraphs and a conclusion.
Step Two
The essays will then be handed in to your teacher to mix up and redistribute.
Each person will take a coloured pen and to mark the essay that they have been given. Remember to write comments on the side of the page.
A number of people will be called on at random to share their scores with the reasons why.
Step Three
Choose a different coloured pen and write advice to the people who wrote the essay that you have marked how to improve.
Share your advice by writing it on the board.
Everyone will be asked to take a picture of that advice to help you to prepare for the mocks.
Assessment Criteria - Extended Response Questions
Exam Style Question
Using a named example, explain TWO ways that TNCs have influence our food consumption habits. [4 marks]
This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com