002 - Impact of


Debatable Question

Was the impact of exploration always negative?

Taken From: https://powerstudy.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/power-brainstorm.jpg?w=835&h=566

Image One - Wordle

Activity One - Design

For this activity you are going to be designing a poster which illustrates the positives and negatives that exploration has brought to the country of origin and country of destination.

      1. Watch the YouTube clip and make notes on the impact of exploration - positive and negative.
      2. Read the presentation and add to your mind map.
      3. Discuss your findings with a partner and add any new ideas to your map.
      4. Collect a piece of A3 paper and create a poster to reflect the positive and negatives of exploration. Remember to add bold titles and colour.


      • A3 paper
      • Divide paper in half and put the heading positives on one side and negatives on the other
      • Use images rather than words to illustrate your findings
      • Colour

How will I be assessed?

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Criterion C: Communicating