003 - Desert Landscapes
Factual Question
Factual Question
What do deserts look like?
What landforms are created in a desert?
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- landscape
- aeolian forces
Define the words above using either the dictionaries in the classroom or the following links:
Activity One - Draw
Activity One - Draw
- Draw a box which is the size of a third of your page and inside it draw a desert landscape.
Activity Two - Interpreting Images
Activity Two - Interpreting Images
Not all deserts are vast areas of sand. The Sahara desert is 26 times larger than Great Britain but only 10% is sand. The rest are rocky or have steep sided mountains. Look at the photographs below and answer the following questions:
- Choose a word to describe each photograph.
- Write a short paragraph to describe each photograph.
- What do all the photographs have in common?
- What are the hills in photograph one called?
- Why has the ground in three cracked?
- In which photograph do you think there is the most rainfall? Why?
- In which photograph do you think people are most likely to live? Explain your answer.
- What evidence is there in photograph two that the hills are made from layers of rock that have been squeezed together over thousands of years?
- Suggest a reason to explain how the plants in photograph four get their water.
Photograph One: Namib Desert, Namibia
Photograph Two: Nevada Desert, USA
Photograph Three: Gobi Desert, China
Photograph Four: Death Valley, Mojave Desert, USA