005 - Quality and treatment of information collected
Factual Question
How can the primary data collected in the field be presented?
What forms of presentation are the most appropriate?
Activity One - Create - Graphs and Maps
For this section you need to convert the raw data that you collected in Geneva into a range of graphs. You should only use data that is directly relevant to your hypothesis. Try and illustrate a range of skills. It is entirely up to you what types of graphs you choose to use. The types of graphs that you could use (this list is not finite) include:
Bar graph
Composite bar chart
Flow maps
Isoline maps - digital through GIS
Line graph
Mapping - transect, bar, pictogram
Pie chart
Proportional circles on a map - digital through GIS
Activity Two - Create - Visual Evidence
You should also include visual evidence of what you saw. This could be in the form of sketch diagrams or photographs. Which ever method you chose you need to make sure you 'add value'. This means that they either need to be labelled or annotated and then referred to in the body of your analysis.Â
Remember every image needs a figure number and a title.
Useful Resource
Formal Requirements
Minimum of two graphs.
Minimum of one map which is presenting the data.
Minimum of one annotated image (photograph or sketch diagram).
All graphs, maps and images need to have a title and a figure number.
All of your graphs, photographs, sketches and maps should be fully integrated into the analysis section.
To add value to your images you should label or annotate them. No more than 9 words per annotation box.
Word Count - 0
How will I be assessed?
For this section you will be assessed using Criterion C - Communicating. You will need to present your findings in an accurate and appropriate manner.