009 - Images and Booklet

Formal Deadlines

The non-negotiable deadline for the first draft is 12h00 midday on Thursday, (TBC) November 2021. No advice/feedback will be given on work that misses this deadline. You will need to add a pdf version of your IA to ManageBac and hand me a black and white, hard copy. An IA box will be in the workroom and you will sign a document to say you have handed it in and when.

This first draft will be returned to you, with written feedback, on or before TBC November 2021

The final deadline for the IB DP Geography Internal Assessment is 12h00 midday on Thursday 6th December 2021. You will need to email me a pdf, add a digital copy to ManageBac and hand in a hard, coloured copy to me. An IA box will be in the workroom and you will sign a document to say you have handed it in and when.

Class Internal Deadlines

            • TBC

Data Collection

Geography Data Collection 2018