003 - Lakes and 


Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

Growing human pressures on lakes and aquifers, including economic growth and population migration.


Population expansion and the possible development of economic activities will inevitably create negative processes which will impact upon our lakes and aquifers.


Key Terminology

Define the key terms above by using the 'Useful Links' below.

Useful Links

Activity One - Detailed Example - Lakes

We have already looked at the impact that pollution has had on Lake Erie in the previous syllabus point and now we are going to investigate the lake even further to see how population and economic growth could have an effect. To record all of your information you are going to collect an A4 piece of paper and mind map the impact. I would recommend that you use a separate coloured pen for each key area. You will need to look out for the following points:

Activity Two - Detailed Example - Aquifers

For this section of the syllabus, we are going to focus on the Great Artesian Basin which is located in Austrailia. For this detailed example, I would like you to divide your A4 page into four and complete the following questions - one in each box.

Useful Resources

Strategic Management Plan - Success and the Future - beyond 2015 Pages  7-9 and 34-43

Location Great Artesian Basin

Water Down Under

Department of Agriculture and the Environment

Great Artesian Basin Summary

Consultative Council

Exam Style Question

State and explain two examples of where the population has a detrimental impact on lakes. [3 + 3 marks]

This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com