003 - Malaria, a vector-borne disease
Syllabus Points
Syllabus Points
Examine (AO3) the geographic factors responsible for the incidence and spread of two diseases.
Evaluate (AO3) the geographic impact of these two diseases at the local, national and international scales.
Evaluate (AO3) the management strategies that have been applied in any one country or region for one of these diseases.
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- Examine
- Evaluate
- Incidence
- Vector-borne
Define the words above using a dictionary from the classroom, the link provided and the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom.
Useful Links
Useful Links
Activity One - Why focus on Malaria?
Activity One - Why focus on Malaria?
- You have 5 minutes to find as many newspaper headings as you can that mention malaria. We will discuss the findings as a group.
Activity Two - Watch
Activity Two - Watch
As you watch the clip below make notes on what malaria is and how it impacts the human body.
Activity Three - Where? Why there?
Activity Three - Where? Why there?
- Describe where the highest rates of malaria can be found.
- There are specific causes for the spread of malaria, complete the table below explaining what geographic factors impact the incidence of malaria. Use the useful links and your 'Geography Course Companion' to help you.
Useful Links
Useful Links
Malaria ib food and health from Tom McLean
Activity Four - Fact sheets
Activity Four - Fact sheets
- You have now have the basics concerning malaria but you are missing data. On A6 paper create a fact sheet on malaria, try and include the following points:
- Amount of people at risk
- Worst effected countries or regions
- Who the most effected are
- Estimated costs
- Interesting points
Useful Resources
Useful Resources
Activity Five - Case Study
Activity Five - Case Study
- Case studies, local, national and international - You will will be working in teams of three to develop a guide that will evaluate the geographic impacts of malaria.
- No more than one page of A4 for each team.
- Social
- Environmental
- Economic
- Political
Useful Links
Useful Links
Activity Six - Watch
Activity Six - Watch
Watch the TEDtalk below and write down how Bill Gates believes we can manage the incidence of malaria. Do you think it could be successful? Explain your answer.
Watch the TEDtalk below and write down how Bill Gates believes we can manage the incidence of malaria. Do you think it could be successful? Explain your answer.