004 - Review

You have now looked at data and what factors make countries or groups of people powerful, but how do you link those together?


  • The aim of this page is to help you to review the syllabus points that we have covered throughout this unit.
  • To be able to link the different elements of the course together through concept mapping.

Activity One - Review and Link

You have now completed the first section on 'Changing Population' and it is time to review what you have done. Mr. Allaway has developed a review sheet to help you remember what you have studied and to try and think more about the concept words that are used in relation to this unit.

      1. Using a green pen tick off the sections of the syllabus that you remember learning about.
      2. Using a red pen tick off the sections of the syllabus that you don't remember studying.
      3. Highlight the concept this section primarily focuses on.
      4. Mark on the syllabus the examples or case studies that you have studied.
      5. Now try and fill in the other boxes starting with the geographic knowledge (what do you need to know) - this can be bullet-pointed. Then do the geographic understanding (ideas you need to comprehend or have the capacity to interpret).
      6. How do all the concepts help you to understand this section of the syllabus? Fill in the four concept boxes explaining how they help you to link different ideas together.
      7. Now write in the short answered and extended response questions that you could use to review this unit. Hint they are on the bottom of each webpage.
      8. How does this unit link to the other units you have studied so far? This is the final box on the page.
Reviewing the Curriculum
Google Document

Activity Two - My maps

It is absolutely essential that you include examples of place within your extended response questions. To help to review the different areas we have studied we are going to use google my maps. You have done this before when we reviewed Freshwater. I would recommend you find that map and then add another 'layer' for Geographic Perspectives - Global Interactions.

      1. Search for google my maps in your search engine.
      2. Sign in using your school ecolint account.
      3. Click on the red - create a new mind map - to get a new blank map.
      4. Follow the instructions on the image below to get you started with pinning and filling the map with information about each area we have studied.
      5. For each section of the course, we will add a layer to this map.

Image One - How to use Google my maps