004 - Carved by
Factual Question
What is a process?
What processes happen in areas shaped by water?
How is the area changing?
Key Terminology
- Change
Define the key term above and record your answer on lined paper using full sentences. You can use the 'Useful Link' below to help you.
Useful Link
Image One - Change
Activity One - Processes
A geographical process is about understanding the order that events happen in which leads to change. Change is happening all the time in the natural world but it may be happening at such a slow speed that you do not notice it. To find out about the key processes of weathering and erosion and they are caused by water and temperature watch the YouTube clip below. There are a series of questions below to answer which will help you to structure what you have learnt from the clip. Or alternatively there is a question grid that can just be printed off and filled in.
- What is weathering?
- Using drawings to help you, describe what the processes of weathering are.
- Hint - the processes you need to include are:
- Mechanical weathering (freeze-thaw)
- Organic or biological weathering (plants)
- Chemical weathering
- Hint - the processes you need to include are:
- What is erosion?
- How does erosion happen?
- Describe the four ways that erosion happens in a river.
- Hydraulic Action
- Attrition
- Abrasion
- Solution
Useful Resources
Activity Three - Describe - Landforms Created by Water
In a previous lesson you learnt how to describe an image and you will be using those skills for this lesson. If you have a smart phone you will be able to view the image using the Roundme app and the 360 Virtual Reality Goggles. But don't worry if you don't have one as you can still explore the photograph by using your mouse to navigate. Once you have had a look around the image answer the questions below.
- You can also view the image below using the 'roundme' app.
- Menu > People > type Richard Allaway > choose either Above Nevada Falls or Yosemite Valley from the summit
- Turn the device landscape and click on the Google Cardboard icon.
- Put your phone into the google cardboard set of goggles.
- Can you name any of the river landforms in the diagram above? If not use your search engine to find out what they are.
- What words could you use to search?
- You are now going to create an eye-spy guide to different river landforms. What is an eye-spy guide? Lets look at the images below.
Image Two - i-spy
Image Three - i-spy
Formal Requirements
- The aim is to draw images of different river landforms and then describe how they are formed.
- You could have all the images on one side of the page and the descriptions on the other.
- Don't forget to use colour in this modern day age!
- This i-spy guide can by typed but remember to cite your sources including your images.