002 - Forced Migration
Factual Question
Factual Question
What are the causes of forced migration?
What are the causes of forced migration?
What is the impact of forced migration on the country of origin and country of destination?
What is the impact of forced migration on the country of origin and country of destination?
Debatable Question
Debatable Question
'Forced migration is causing more problems than it solves.' Discuss
'Forced migration is causing more problems than it solves.' Discuss
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- Forced migration
- Discuss
- Case Study
Define the key terminology above using the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom and the useful resource below:
Useful Resource
Useful Resource
Activity One - Describe
Activity One - Describe
Answer the questions below using sources one to thee answer the questions below (hand written on paper):
- Using source one, describe the number of registered Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries.
- What could be potentially wrong about the data in the graph below?
- Where are the Syrian refugees migrating to?
- Why are the Syrian's chosing those countries to migrate to?
Source One - Georgetown Journal
Source Two - One Europe Info
Source Two - One Europe Info
Image Four - Migration
Activity Two - Empathy
Activity Two - Empathy
- Look at the three sources below, what do they tell you about forced migration?
- Write a convincing, three paragraph argument illustrating why we should help people who are forced from their home nations. This argument can be hand written or typed (if typed it needs to be printed off and put in your folder).
Image Four - National Geographic
Image Four - National Geographic
Image Five - News Estonia
Image Five - News Estonia
Image Six - Daily Mail
Image Six - Daily Mail
Activity Three - A different View
Activity Three - A different View
The images in activity one were chosen for you to develop empathy for refugees but not everyone thinks that way. Attitudes and behaviours are different between all countries and mass migration can often foster fear.
- Using the images and the useful resources below to suggest why people may be afraid of the Syrian migrants.
Source Seven - Independent
Source Eight - Herald Scotland
Useful Resources
Useful Resources
Activity Four - Case Study
Activity Four - Case Study
Develop a case study information sheet on the causes and consequences of forced migration. You will be focusing on Syria and the impact of them moving into Europe.
- A3 paper
- Typed or hand written - if typed use size 11 or 12 font
- Clear boxes of information
- Map - showing where migrants are settling (Remember every map needs a title, key, scale, compass points)
- Bibliography (it can be on the back)
- Causes of the migration.
- Historical account of the spread of Syrians in Europe - this could be a timeline.
- The reasons why Syrian's have settled in some countries over others.
- Positive impact of migration for Europe.
- Negative impact of migration for Europe.
- Controlling the movement.
Useful Resources
Useful Resources