003 - Biocapacity
Factual Question
Factual Question
How can a country's biocapacity be changed by scientific and technological innovation?
How can a country's biocapacity be changed by scientific and technological innovation?
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- Biocapacity
Define the key term above by using the 'Useful Link' below:
Useful Link
Useful Link
Activity One - Describe
Activity One - Describe
- Watch the YouTube clip and write down what it means to be a debtor or a creditor in terms of a country's biocapacity.
- Using the Earthbound Report map, describe the pattern of biocapacity debtors.
- Using the Earthbound Report map, describe the pattern of biocapacity creditors.
- Explain why some countries are biocapacity creditors.
- Explain why some countries are biocapacity debtors.
- How can countries work on their 'green line'? Give a brief example of a country that is trying to be more sustainable.
- Open a Google Doc and give it a sensible title, for example, 2021 - I&S - Biocapacity Debtors and Creditors - Your Name.
- Write the heading Biocapacity Debtors and Creditors and your name.
- Using the 'Data Footprint' resource choose two countries that you would like to focus on - one debtor and one creditor.
- For the countries, you have chosen in question 7, describe how their ecological footprint and biocapacity have changed over time. Don't forget to use data in your answer and you can also include screenshots of the graphs that you will be describing.
- Download your Google Doc as a pdf and upload it to the dropbox on ManageBac.
How will I be assessed?
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed formally on Criterion A - Knowledge and Understanding for your answers to question 7 and 8.