008 - Hazardous Conditions

Conceptual Question 

How do powerful natural phenomenon occur and to what extent can scientific and technical innovations mitigate the impact of them?

Approaches to Learning

Communication Skills - Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information - Make inferences and draw conclusions.

Key Terminology

Define the key term above by using the 'Useful Link' below:

Useful Link

Activity One - Review

We have explored how the shifting of the Earth's plates have helped to shape our planet in Year 8 but we have mainly investigated this in terms of the land beneath our feet. We haven't focused on what happens under the surface of the water in our oceans. Before we can look at the impact of the movement of the tectonic plates we need to review how they move in the first place. Answer the questions on the handout (below) using the 'Time for Geography' clip on the structure of the Earth. You will need to click on the link below the image to get to the video.

Plate Tectonic Review

Activity Two - Cause - Google Drawing/ or Plain Paper

 Tsunami is actually a Japanese word for harbour wave. They are actually secondary events caused by the displacement of the water. There are four key causes to a tsunami - landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and meteorites. We are going to focus on how earthquakes create tsunamis, but how do they do this? 

Australian Government - Tsunamis caused by Earthquakes

Australian Government - Tsunamis caused by Volcanic Eruption