003 - Integrated drainage basin management

Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

The growing importance of integrated drainage basin management (IDBM) plans, and the costs and benefits they bring.


Integrated drainage basin management creates the possibility of sustainable development for different stakeholders.


Key Terminology

Define the words above by using the useful links below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Watch

Before you begin to investigate what the management is like in the Murray-Darling basin it would be good to find out who uses the water and why it has created tension. Watch the youtube clip below and collect a blank A4 piece of paper and a set of coloured pens to make notes on the changes that have occurred in this named drainage basin and why the river system is experiencing stress.

Useful Resource

A brief history of the water use in the Murray-Darling Bason

Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Activity Two - Infographic

Infographics are now assessed in Paper Two so it is a good idea to start looking at some of the strengths and benefits of using them. The infographic below discusses the issues of water use within our focus basin - The Murray-Darling.

Useful Resource

The Murray-Darling Basin

From Visually.

Activity Three - Description

Now you know the issues of the depletion of water within the Murray-Darling you need to develop an understanding of the integrated drainage basin action plan. We are again to use old school note taking techniques to collate the information by watching three youtube clips. Write the information on the back of the A4 sheet you started in Activity One.

Useful Resources

Murray Darling Basin - Part 1

Murray Darling Basin - Part 2

Murray Darling Basin - Part 3

Activity Four - Analysis

There are always going to be winners and losers when rivers are managed as we have seen in Ethiopia. One of the command terms that are used in the examinations are analyse. This syllabus point gives the perfect opportunity to analysize the success and failures of the plan. How beneficial has this action plan been? Who is benefiting and who is losing out?

 Useful Resources

Problems with the Murray Darling Basin Plan

Behind the News

Exam Style Question

Using a named drainage basin, examine the importance of creating an integrated management plan to balance the needs of stakeholders. [10 marks]

This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com