008 - Formal Requirements

Produce one report within 2500 words.

Word Limit

The following points are not included in the word count:

              • Title Page

              • Acknowledgments

              • Contents Page

              • Titles and Subtitles

              • References

              • Footnotes - up to a maximum of 15 words each

              • Map keys

              • Labels - of 10 words or less

              • Tables - statistical or numerical data

              • Calculations

              • Appendices containing raw data - we will not be including this as you should have converted it in to graphs already


The IBO like a very specific format for the presentation of this Internal Assessment, follow the instructions carefully below:

              • Within 2500 word limit

              • Presentation is well structured

              • Page numbers are included

              • Illustrative material is fully integrated into the body of the report and is not relegated to an appendix

              • Maps, diagrams and tables are all numbered and referenced in the text

              • References follow standard convention

              • Title Page needs to include the subject and level, fieldwork question, word limit and your unique IBO code.


  1. Use Google's

  2. Size 12 font for the main body text

  3. Size 8 font for footnotes

  4. Type in either New Times Roman, Lato, Tahoma or Arial font.

  5. Double spacing between the lines.

  6. Your front cover should include the following:

            • Subject and Level

            • Fieldwork question

            • School Code

            • Candidate Code (please do not write you name on the final draft)

            • Word Count (it is also good to have a word count of each section underneath that sections header)

            • Number of pages in the IA

  7. Every page should have a header and within that you should have your candidate code on the top right-hand side.

  8. Page numbers should either in the middle at the bottom of the page or on the right-hand side at the bottom of the page.

  9. Start each section of the IA on a separate page.

Useful Resource

Please also visit www.geographyalltheway.com for more advice on how to complete your IA.