009 - Spread of Ideas
Factual Question
Factual Question
How have ideas been able to spread across the African Continent?
Key Terminology
Key Terminology
- Migration
Define the word above using a dictionary or the link below.
Key Links
Activity One - Watch
Activity One - Watch
As you watch the clip below write a description of the following points using the images:
- landscape
- artefacts
- dress
- weapons
- farming
- travel
Bantu Migrations
Activity Two - Migration
Activity Two - Migration
Taken From: http://www.face-music.ch/artuganda/bantumigration.jpg
- Looking at the map above describe the route of migration for the Bantu.
- Using the text book ' World Studies - Medieval Times to Today' answer the assessment questions on page 41. The answers will be discussed as a group.
- Using an Atlas, the map above and the text book 'World Studies - Medieval Times to Today' draw an outline of the continent of Africa and mark on the spread of the Bantu. Remember to include:
- Outline box
- Title
- Key
- Scale
- Compass Points
- The Bantu Migrations
- 'World Studies - Medieval Times to Today' by Jacobs (Author), Kate Kinsella (Author) and Kevin Feldman (Author).