002 - Variations in Food Consumption

Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

The physical and human processes that can lead to variations in food consumption.


Places hold varying degrees of power over the physical and human processes of food consumption.


Key Terminology

Define the term above by using the 'Useful Links' below.

Useful Links

Activity One - Jigsaw(ish)

The factors that impact what farmers can actually grow go beyond the amount of water that a place may receive. Some countries are able to manipulate the more physical factors to grow the food that their population demands but others are not so lucky. The group is going to be divided into six teams to investigate a specific factor. For each factor you need to know how it influences farming and include examples of place. Once you have become the 'experts' you will teach the others in the class that information. The factors that we are going to focus on are:

Factors that Influence Farming Across the Globe

Useful Resources


Climate Change and Food Supply

'Out Planet's Food and Health' textbook by Codrington Pages 41-42

Rock and Soil Types

Soil and agriculture

'Out Planet's Food and Health' textbook by Codrington Page 42


Food and Agriculture - Social and Cultural Factors

'Out Planet's Food and Health' textbook by Codrington Page 43

Economic Development

Role of Agriculture in the Economic Development of a Country

'Out Planet's Food and Health' Textbook by Codringon Page 43 -44

Economic Influences

Bizfluent - Economic Factors Affecting Farming

'Out Planet's Food and Health' Textbook by Codringon Page 44

Activity Two - Examples

For this task you are going to write a paragraph for each factor that can influence food consumption different places. It would also be good to describe how they could also help to address the imbalances of food production across the world.

Useful Resources

Exam Style Question

Using ONE of the factors in the infographic explain the influence that it has on the consumption of food. [4 marks]

This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.comÂ