003 - Hot, Arid 


Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

Hot, arid landscape features, including dunes, wadis, rock pedestals, mesas and buttes.

Key Concepts

The processes of erosion, transport and deposition are necessary for the creation of unique desert landforms.


Key Terminology

We will be finding out what the landforms are above along with the processes that created them during the course of the lesson. If you are still unsure of what they are use the useful links below to define them.

Useful Links

Activity One - Processes

While deserts are generally dry precipitation does fall in these regions and the rainfall can be dramatic. As you know from studying the Freshwater unit water is a key cause of weathering and erosion. Wind or aeolian forces also create a number of the dramatic landscapes that can be found in deserts. Answer the following questions using the text book recommended below.

Taken From: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ftUaAsweL._SX358_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Arid Environments by Cole

Image One - Textbook - Pages 34-44

Web Resources

Activity Two - Landforms created by wind

We are initially going to focus on landforms that are created by wind. The fancy word for this is aeolian forces.  As you watch the youtube clip below answer the following questions.

Now you have watched the youtube clip you will need to 'flesh out' what landforms are created by wind in a desert, what they look like and how they are formed. The list below are the landforms you should focus on:

 Useful Resources

For images - geogalot

Desert Landforms Created by Wind

'Arid Environments' text book by Cole pages 49-57

Activity Three - Landforms created by water

Create a guide to desert landforms created by water, this could be in the form of an i-spy guide where you have a labelled diagram along with an explanation of how the landform is formed. You need to make sure you have an annotated diagram of each landform, describe what it looks like and also explain how they are formed. Those of you that went to Morocco can use and share with the group the photographs that you took. The landforms you need to focus on are:

Useful Resources

Pdf - Desert Landforms

'Arid Environments' text book by Cole pages 59-69

Activity Four - 360 VR - Identify

Using the different 360 degree images identify as many of the landforms you have described and explained above.

Useful Resources

arcGIS Story Maps - Deserts  - you will need to scroll to the desert section of the storymap.