004 - Review

You have now looked at the different ways that our key resources of food, energy and water connect. How does this actually relate to recycling and actual place?


  • The aim of this page is to help you to review the syllabus points that we have covered throughout this unit.
  • To be able to link the different elements of the course together through concept mapping.

Activity One - Reviewing the Guide

You will be given a copy of the guide that has been divided into clear sections, if you lose it there is a copy of it below. You will also need a set of coloured pens. You will be competing an audit of the course content, writing down the examples, detailed examples and case studies that we have used, defining key terms and adding examples to it.

      1. Read through the syllabus and with a green pen tick everything that you remember studying. Use a red pen to tick everything you have forgotten we have studied.
      2. Read through the syllabus for a second time along with the relevant sections of my website. Next to each syllabus point say whether you have finished every activity I asked you to do or record whether it is incomplete - write this in orange.
      3. Using a blue pen now record all the case studies, detailed examples and examples we have covered next to the relevant syllabus point.
      4. Finally with a pink pen redefine all the key terms that you are unsure about.
      5. Describe in a short paragraph how the different elements you have learnt link together.
Reviewing the Curriculum
Impacts of changing trends in resource consumption

Activity Two - Concept Corners

Now you have remembered what we have studied and collated information about the different case studies and detailed examples learnt we are going to link the course together. Collect a piece of flip chart paper and a set of coloured pens. You will be given a set of words to write on the paper and to draw lines to link the words together. On the lines you are going to say how they link. I promise it will all become clear once we start.

Impacts of changing trends in resource consumption