001 - Hydrosphere
Geographic Knowledge and Understanding
Climate change and the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere including:
Water stored in ice and oceans, and changing sea levels
Carbon stored in ice, oceans and the biosphere
Climate change will impact the interaction between different places and environments.
To have knowledge of what the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere are.
To understand how climate change impacts the stores of water in our oceans.
To understand how climate change impacts the stores of water in our ice.
To have knowledge of where carbon is stored and how that is changing.
Key Terminology
Define the words above using the 'Useful Links' below.
Useful Links
Activity One - The Basics
While this syllabus point is fundamentally about current changes in sea levels and ice it is good to look at what some traditional historical geography. There are two key terms that I would like you to understand and these are below. They are basically to do with local and global sea level changes. Watch the youtube clip and describe what they are and how the changes occur.
Useful Resource
Activity Two - Describe
Before we begin to look at the specific changes to the hydrosphere we need to have knowledge of what is changing to cause the impact the water levels.
Watch the YouTube clip and bullet point the impact that the melting of ice could have on our planet.
Take each of the four graphs in the 'Useful Resources' box below and describe the changes that are occurring. It focuses on global temperature change, extent of the sea ice, ice sheet mass and sea level changes. All of the graphs have been taken from Climate NASA and therefore you can also use the 'To Read' section to find out more.
Useful Resources
What if all the ice melted on Earth?
The Science Guy
Activity Three - Is it true?
You have described the changes to the ice and the sea levels by using the graphs above but we all know that we should use more than one source of evidence to prove if something is happening. It is now your turn to search a news source to see if you can find any evidence of places that are currently being impacted by sea level change. When you find something write a short paragraph outlining where it is happening and what the impact is. You need to find three places. Your individual findings will be shared with the group.
Activity Four - Carbon
Before we can discuss how climate change impacts the amount of carbon in the atmosphere we need to have a good understanding of the carbon cycle. Where is the carbon stored and how is it transferred between the different 'spheres'.
Draw the carbon cycle and then annotate how the carbon is stored and transferred. Use the youtube clip below and the first link in the 'Useful Resources' to help you.
Watch the second youtube clip and suggest how sea ice change impacts the carbon cycle.
Read the second and third articles in the 'Useful Resources' and extend your notes to show the impact of the carbon cycle on the atmosphere.
Hydrologic and Carbon Cycles
Crash Course Ecology
Sea Ice Change and the Carbon Cycle
OPR Climate Change
Exam Style Question
Explain how climate change is impacting the carbon cycle. [4 marks]