011 - Review
Debatable Question
How can you review your work effectively for a test?
Test Outline
The test could include any element from the Resources unit.
The test will last 30 minutes.
You will get 5 minutes of reading time.
The test will be out of 20 or 25 marks in total.
You will need to write in the answer boxes provided.
You will be examined on the content that you have covered within the Resources unit only.
All of the questions are what we classify as 'Short Answer Questions' (EAQ) which range from 1 mark to 6 marks.
You will be asked to define key subject-specific terms.
There will be a series of data response questions (reading a graph/infographic/diagram).
This relates to Criterion A - Knowing and understanding.
Approaching the Test Questions
When reading any question, whether it is timed conditions are not, you should BUG the question. What does BUG mean?
B - Box the command term (this tells you what to do - the action).
U - Underline what the main point of the question is. For example that could be the 'Malthusian theory' for this test.
G - Go back and reread the question. It is always good to read the question through twice to make sure you haven't missed anything.
Then consider what the command terms actually mean. The most common ones used in tests include - Describe, Explain, Define, Identify, Discuss, Analyse, Compare and Contrast. But what do all of those words mean? You could either do a quick search online, take photos of the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom or you could click on the 'Useful Resource' link below.
The third aspect to consider is the value of each question. For example, if the question is worth one mark you should be writing about one sentence outlining one point. A three mark question will probably require three key points.
Useful Resource
Content Covered
These are the different aspects of the course that we have covered. I would suggest that you review this list alongside your lesson notes to make sure that you haven't missed anything.
What is a resource?
Renewable and non-renewable resources.
Ecological footprint
Carrying Capacity
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Middle Classes
What are they?
Growth of this group and in what location?
Biocapacity creditors and debtors
Optimum Population/ Overpopulation
Divergent Theories
Malthus (Malthusian thought)
Neo-Malthusian thought/Limits to Growth
Boserup 'necessity is the mother of invention'
Food-water-energy Nexus
'Wicked' Problems
Water Footprint
Green, blue and grey water
Embedded water
Conflict over water
Green/Agricultural Revolution
Genetically Modified Food
Food Insecurity
Food Aid
The interpretation of compound bar graphs, proportional circles, choropleth maps, bar graphs, line graphs, scatter graphs.
How to read a mountain graph.
Interpretation of images.
When you describe a pattern or trend remember to do the following:
Describe the obvious pattern or trend e.g. increasing/decreasing/fluctuating.
Then be specific - include data.
Are there any anomalies? Use data to be specific.
How will I be assessed?
You will be assessed using Criteria A - Knowledge and Understanding - both strands.
Exam Style Questions
Below are examples of test style questions:
Define the term middle classes. [2 marks]
Define the term water footprint. [2 marks]
Describe the pattern of the global middle classes as shown in figure x. [2 marks]
Using figure x, describe the trend of global water consumption. [3 marks]
Identify the TWO views represented in figure x. [1+1 mark]
Using figure x, compare and contrast countries A and B by commenting on their water consumption. [2+2 marks]
How is the rising GDP of countries impacting resource consumption? [4 marks]
Using examples, explain the concept of a wicked problem. [6 marks]
'Lowering average salaries is the most effective way to reduce resource consumption.' Discuss this statement - TWO arguments for and TWO arguments against. [2+2+2+2 marks]
Possible Ways to Review
There are many different ways that you could review your work but just reading through it never really works. There needs to be some form of active recall, this is when you test yourself, as it helps to 'drag' the information out of your head. This also helps the information to stick a little better in your long-term memory.
Go through 'geogalot' to make sure you have completed all of the tasks.
You could make notes from your notes by using the Cornell note-taking approach (see diagram below). You could use coloured pens to help certain points to stand out.
Glossary - key subject-specific terminology and definitions. Perhaps create cue cards for the different terms you have learnt. This can also be done on Quizlet.
Create a summary of the detailed examples we have studied by writing notes in bullet form on A6 paper.
You could see what is on Quizlet or make your own Quizlet tests.
After reading through your notes try writing a series of questions to answer.
Maybe create a mindmap - use diagrams and coloured pens to help certain points to stand out.
You could create a giant online document from your class notes and then ask your friends/family to test you. You could even give yourself a treat e.g. chocolate if you get so many answers correct.
Some people like to revise to music and then to listen to that music before the test as it helps them to remember what they have learnt.