2011 - IB DP Geography



    1. To develop an understanding of the interrelationships between people, places, spaces and the environment.
    2. To develop a concern for human welfare and the quality of the environment, and an understanding of the need for planning and sustainable management.
    3. To appreciate the relevance of Geography in analyzing contemporary issues and challenges, and develop a global perspective of diversity and change.

Paper 1: Core Content

There are four compulsory elements to the Patterns and Change unit for both the Higher and Standard Level students:

    • Population in Transition
    • Disparities in Wealth and Development
    • Environmental Quality and Sustainability
    • Resource Consumption

Paper 2: Option Topics

Standard level students will complete two of the option units and higher level students will complete three of the options units from the list below:

    • Freshwater – Issues and Conflicts
    • Oceans and their Coastal Margins
    • Extreme Environments
    • Hazards and Disasters
    • Leisure, Sport and Tourism
    • The Geography of Food and Health
    • Urban Environments

Paper 3: Global Interactions

Higher level students will also complete a third paper and it includes seven compulsory options:

    • Measuring global interactions
    • Changing space
    • Economic interactions and flows
    • Environmental change
    • Sociocultural exchanges
    • Political outcomes
    • Global interactions at the local level

Internal Assessment

This is based on a piece of fieldwork that is completed in the local environment. It is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.

    • Higher Level – 20%
    • Standard Level – 25%
    • Both are written reports of 2500 words.

External Assessment

Higher Level Students:

    • Paper One consists of a series of short answered questions and one extended response question. It is worth 25% of the final grade. The exam is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length.
    • Paper Two consists of three structured questions based on stimulus material, each selected from a different theme. It is worth 35% of the final grade. The exam is 2 hours in length.
    • Paper Three consists of two essay questions. It is worth 20% of the final grade. The exam is 1 hour in length.

Standard Level Students:

    • Paper One consists of a series of short answered questions and one extended response question. It is worth 40% of the final grade. The exam is 1 hour and 30 minutes in length.
    • Paper Two consists of two structured questions based on stimulus material, each selected from a different theme. It is worth 35% of the final grade. The exam is 1 hour and 20 minutes in length.