003 - Responses to high and low fertility

Syllabus Point

Explain (AO2) dependency and ageing ratios.

Examine (AO3) the impacts of youthful and ageing populations.

Taken From: http://www.metal-archives.com/images/3/7/2/3/372384.jpg?1643

Key Terminology

  • Explain
  • Examine
  • Dependency Ratio
  • Ageing Ratio

Define the words above using your 'Geography Course Companion' textbook by Nagle and Cooke, the 'Command Word' posters in the classroom and the links provided below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Triangular Graphs

Taken From: http://images.slideplayer.com/26/8558282/slides/slide_6.jpg

Answer the following questions:

  1. For what purpose would we need to know the dependency ratio or ageing ratio for a country?
  2. What is a triangular graph?
  3. What are the benefits of using a triangular graph?

Useful Resources

      • Page 11 of the 'Geography Course Companion' by Nagle and Cooke
Taken From: https://o.quizlet.com/eOla4lt.1z9NgXpAaVKexQ_m.jpg
      • Slideshare the benefits and problems of triangular graphs page 4.

Strengths and weakness of data presentation from Will Williams

Activity Two - Examine Impacts

As Examine is an Assessment Objective three you task is to plan an essay for the following question:

To what extent are youthful and ageing populations a drain on society? (15 marks)

Use the resources below to help you to research your points along with the essay grid for structure.


Ageing Population - Causes and Consequences

Youthful Population - Causes and Consequences

Essay Grid

How to write an essay graphic organizer.doc