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2019 - IB DP Geography
Aims and Concepts
Approach - Organisation and Reading
Extreme Environments
1 - Characteristics of extreme environments
001 - Global Distribution
002 - Hot and Arid Environments
003 - Cold Environments
004 - Advance and Retreat
2 - Physical processes and landscapes
001 - Glacial processes and landforms
002 - Periglacial Landforms
003 - Hot, Arid Landforms
3 - Managing Extreme Environments
001 - Mineral extraction in cold environments
002 - Mineral Extraction in Hot and Arid Environments
003 - Agricultural Opportunities and Challenges in Arid Environments
004 - Tourism in Extreme Environments
4 - Extreme Environments Futures
001 - Desertification
002 - Increasing Competition for Resources
003 - New Technologies
004 - Global Climate Change - Impacts and management
5 - Review
Food and Health
1 - Measuring food and health
001 - Global food patterns and indicators
002 - Nutrition Transition
003 - Global Patterns in Health
004 - Epidemiological Transition
2 - Food Systems and Spread of Disease
001 - Systems Approach
002 - Variations in Food Consumption
003 - Diffusion
004 - Water and Vector Borne Diseases
3 - Stakeholders in Food and Health
001 - International Organisations
002 - The influence of TNCs
003 - Gender roles related to food and health
004 - Famine
4 - Future Health and Food Security and Sustainability
001 - Solutions to Food Insecurity
002 - Contemporary Approaches to Food Production
003 - Prevention and treatment in managing disease
5 - Review
1 - Drainage basin hydrology and geomorphology
001 - Drainage Basins
002 - River Discharge and Hydrographs
003 - River Processes
004 - River Landforms
2 - Flooding and Flood Mitigation
001 - Flood Risk
002 - Flood Prediction
003 - Flood Mitigation
3 - Water scarcity and water quality
001 - Water scarcity
002 - Agricultural Activities
003 - Lakes and Aquifers
004 - International Conflict
4 - Water Management Futures
001 - Management at the local level
002 - Multipurpose water scheme
003 - Integrated drainage basin management
004 - Wetlands
5 - Review
Geographic Perspectives - Global Change
1 - Changing Population
1 - Population and Economic Patterns
001 - Population Distribution
002 - Global Patterns of Global Development
003 - National Scale
004 - Review
2 - Changing Populations and Places
001 - Population Change
002 - Megacity Growth
003 - Migration
004 - Review
3 - Challenges and Opportunities
001 - Population Trends
002 - Aging Societies
003 - Gender equality and anti-trafficking
004 - Demographic Dividend
005 - Review
2 - Global climate - vulnerability and resilience
1 - Causes of global climate change
001 - The atmospheric system
002 - Global Energy Balance
003 - The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
004 - Review
2 - Consequences of Global Climate Change
001 - Hydrosphere
002 - Extreme Weather
003 - Biosphere
004 - People and Places
005 - Review
3 - Responding to global climate change
001 - Risk and Vulnerability
002 - Global geopolitical efforts
003 - Mitigation Strategies
004 - Civil Society and Corporate Strategies
005 - Review
3 - Global Resource Consumption and Security
1 - Global trends in consumption
001 - Poverty Reduction
002 - Ecological Footprints
003 - Water, land and food
004 - Energy
005 - Review
2 - Impacts of changing trends in resource consumption
001 - Nexus Thinking
002 - Nexus in Action
003 - Recycling and Waste
004 - Review
3 - Resource Stewardship
001 - Divergent Thinking
002 - The Circular Economy
003 - Resource stewardship and the UN SDGs
004 - Review
Geographic Perspective - Global Interactions
4 - Power, places and networks
1 - Global Interactions and Global Power
001 - Globalisation Indices
002 - Global Superpowers
003 - Powerful Organisations and Global Groups
004 - Review
2 - Global Networks and Flows
001 - Global Trade and Illegal Flows
002 - International aid, loans, debt relief and remittances
003 - Foreign Direct Investment and Outsourcing
004 -TNCs
005 - Review
3 - Human and Physical Influences on Global Interactions
001 - Political Factors
002 - Shrinking World - Transport
003 - Shrinking World - Communication
004 - The physical environment
005 - Review
5 - Human Development and Diversity
1 - Development Opportunities
001 - Human Development
002 - Closing the Development Gap
003 - Social Entrepreneurship
004 - Review
2 - Changing Identities and Cultures
001 - Global spectrum of cultural traits
002 - Cultural Imperialism
003 - Cultural Hybridity
004 - Diasporas
3 - Local Responses to Global Interactions
001 - Local and Civil Resistance
002 - Anti-immigration Movements
003 - Geopolitical Constraints
004 - Civil Society and International-Mindedness
6 - Global risks and resilience
1 - Geopolitical and economic risks
001 - Threats to individuals and businesses
002 - Profit repatriation and tax avoidance
003 - Disruptive Technological Innovations
004 - Globalisation and Nationalism
2 - Environmental Risks
001 - Transboundary Pollution
002 - Environment Impacts of Global Flows
003 - Carbon Footprints
004 - Global Shift of Industry
3 - Local and Global Resilience
001 - Raise Awareness
002 - Crowd-Sourcing Technologies
003 - New Technologies
Examples, Detailed Examples and Case Studies
Extended Answer Questions
Extended Essay
Internal Assessment
001 - Skills
002 - A - Fieldwork question and geographic context
003 - Methods of Investigation
004 - Quality and treatment of information collected.
005 - Written Analysis
006 - Conclusion
007 - Evaluation
008 - Formal Requirements
009 - 2018 Images and Booklet
Skills Audit
Study Skills and Revision Approaches
001 - Study Skills
002 - Synthesising Information
003 - Revision Approaches
004 - Yet More Videos of Advice
2011 - IB DP Geography
Patterns and Change
1 - Populations in Transition
001 - Population Change - Part One
002 - Population Change - Part Two
003 - Responses to high and low fertility
004 - Pro and Anti-natalist policies
005 - Movement Response Migration
006 - International Migration
007 - Internal Migration
008 - Gender and Change
2 - Disparities in Wealth and Development
001 - Measurements of regional and global disparities
002 - Origins of disparities
003 - Disparities and Change Part One
004 - Disparities and Change Part Two
005 - Reducing Disparities
3 - Patterns in Environmental Quality and Sustainability
001 - Atmosphere and Change
002 - Soil and Change
003 - Water and Change
004 - Biodiversity and Change
005 - Sustainability and the Environment
4 - Patterns in Resource Consumption
001 - Patterns in resource consumption
002 - Changing Patterns of Energy Consumption Part One
003 - Changing Patterns of Energy Consumption Part Two
004 - Conservation Strategies Part One
005 - Conservation Strategies Part Two
Extreme Environments
1 - Challenging Environments
001 - Global distribution of extreme environments
002 - Population
2 - The physical characteristics of extreme environments
001 - Glacial environment
002 - Periglacial Environment
003 - Hot, arid environments
3 - Opportunities and challenges for management
001 - Agriculture
002 - Mineral Extraction - Part One
003 - Mineral Extraction Part Two
004 - Tourism
4 - Sustainability
001 - Human Activity
002 - Impact
Food and Health
1 - Health
001 - Variations in Health
002 - Measuring Health
003 - Prevention vs Cure
2 - Food
001 - Global availability of food
002 - Green Revolution
003 - Food Insecurity
004 - Production and Markets
005 - Addressing Imbalances
006 - Sustainable Agriculture
007 - Food Miles
3 - Disease
001 - Global Patterns of Disease
002 - Spread of Disease
003 - Malaria, a vector-borne disease
004 - AIDs
Freshwater - Issues and Conflicts
1 - The Water System
001 - The hydrological cycle
002 - The water balance
2 - Drainage basins and flooding
001 - Drainage basins
002 - Discharge
003 - Hydrographs
004 - Floods
3 - Management Issues and Strategies
001 - Dams and reservoirs
002 - Floodplain management
003 - Groundwater management
004 - Freshwater wetland management
005 - Irrigation and Agriculture
4 - Competing demands for water
001 - Conflicts at the local or national scale
002 - Conflicts at the international scale
Global Interactions
1 - Measuring Global Interactions
001 - Global Participation
002 - Global core and periphery
2 - Changing space - the shrinking world
001 - Time-space convergence and the reduction in the friction of distance
002 - Extension and density of networks Part 1
003 - Extension and density of networks Part 2
004 - Extension and density of networks Part 3
3 - Economic Interactions and Flows
001 - Financial Flows
002 - Labour Flows
003 - Information flows
4 - Environmental Change
001 - Degradation from raw material production - Part 1
002 - Degradation from raw material production - Part 2
003 - Degradation from raw material production - Part 3
004 - The effects of transnational manufacturing and services
005 - Transboundary Pollution - Part 1
006 - Transboundary Pollution - Part 2
007 - Homogenization of Landscape
5 - Sociocultural Exchanges
001 - Cultural diffusion: the process
002 - Consumerism and culture
003 - Sociocultural integration - Part One
004 - Sociocultural integration - Part Two
005 - Sociocultural integration - Part Three
6 - Political Outcomes
001 - Loss of Sovereignty
002 - Responses Part One
003 - Responses Part Two
004 - Responses Part Three
7 - Global Interactions at the Local Level
001 - Defining glocalisation
002 - Adoption of globalization
003 - Local Responses to globalisation
004 - Alternatives - Civil Societies
005 - Alternatives - Anti-globalisation Groups
006 - Alternatives - Contemporary non-globalised society
001 - Command Terms
003 - Freshwater
004 - Extreme Environments
007 - Essays
008 - Case Studies
MYP Individuals and Societies
Year 11
1 - Cities of the Future
001 - Human Flight
002 - Thinking Critically
003 - On the Move
004 - Megacities
005 - Inequalities
006 - Informal Housing
007 - Sustainability: A Possibility?
008 - Green/Smart Cities
009 - Review
2 - Alpine Environments
001 - Snowflake to Glacier
002 - The Glacial System
003 - Exploring Glacial Landscapes
004 - Glacial Erosional Landforms
005 - Glacial Depositional Landforms
006 - I Spy Glacial Landforms
007 - Climate Change in the Alps
008 - Climate Change Mitigation - The Alps
009 - Climate Change Mitigation - The Himalayas
010 - Review
3 - Critical Thinking - Field Work
001 - What is it?
002 - Methodology
003 - Digital Mapping
004 - Fieldwork day
005 - Quality and treatment of information collected
006 - Analysis
007 - Conclusion and Evaluation
4 - How do we know?
001 - Perception?
002 - Map Skills
Transdisciplinary Lessons
Calvin's Keys
No More Boring Statistics
001 - Cartography
002 - Map Skills
003 - The 'Perfect' Map
004 - Differing World Views
005 - Exploration
International Relations and Development Studies
1 - Foundations of International Relations
001 - What is International Relations?
002 - Nation States and historical hegemons of power
003 - Hegemons of Power
004 - Power
2 - National Security
001 - Changing Face of the World
002 - Nuclear Weapons and the Cold War
003 - Nuclear Weapons: A Case Study
004 - Differing Views
005 - Nuclear Energy
006 - Impact of Nuclear Energy
3 - Emerging Super Powers
001 - Stereotypes
002 - Economic Growth
003 - Hubs
004 - Impact of digital hub
005 - Neo-Colonialism
006 - China in Africa
4 - Migration
001 - On the move
002 - Forced Migration
5 - Climate Change
001 - Climate Change
002 - Gaps
003 - Global Agreements
004 - Climate Change Protocols
Extra Units
Decolonisation (Extra Unit Old MYP)
001 - Colonisation
002 - Decolonisation
003 - The British in India
004 - Manipulation of Resources
Future Cities
001 - Growth of Cities
002 - Moving On
003 - Friend or Foe?
004 - Models: Truth or Fiction?
005 - Inequality
006 - Informal Housing
007 - Function and Specialisation
008 - Sustainable Cities
009 - The Future?
Year 10
1 - Under Pressure - Population
001 - Population Growth
002 - Hatch, Match and Dispatch
003 - Population and Development
004 - Population Pyramids
005 - Too Few or Too Many
006 - Population Policies
007 - Where in the World?
008 - On the move
2 - Under Pressure - Resources
001 - Resources : Personal Impact
002 - Income and Resource Consumption
003 - Biocapacity
004 - Resources and Theories
005 - A Lost Civilisation
006 - The Nexus
007 - Water, Water Everywhere?
008 - Food Revolution
009 - Malnutrition
010 - Food Insecurity
011 - Review
Field Week Lesson - Cultural Impacts
Year 9
1 - Oceans
001 - What are oceans?
002 - Ocean Processes
003 - Historical Use of Oceans
004 - Ocean Ownership
005 - Alien Species and Overfishing
006 - Ocean Energy Sources
007 - Sea of Plastic
008 - Hazardous Conditions
009 - Tsunami in Action
010 - Review
2 - Global Tourism
001 - Growth of Travel and Tourism
002 - Tourism in my back yard
003 - geogalot abroad
004 - The Grand Tour
005 - Southampton to Cape Town
006 - Modern Tourism
007 - Sustainable Tourism
008 - Boom and bust
3 - Understanding Hazards
001 - What is a hazard?
002 - Types of Hazards
003 - Who is Vulnerable?
004 - At Risk?
006 - How well do you know America? (Optional Lesson)
007 - Choropleth Mapping (Optional Lesson)
008 - Safest State to Live (Optional Lesson)
4 - Exploration
001 - Reasons for Exploration
002 - Impact of Exploration
003 - Case Study of an Explorer
004 - Useful Exploration Resources
5 - Industrial Revolution
001 - Seeds of Change
002 - The Cotton King
003 - Interdependence
004 - Working Conditions
005 - Manufacturing Today
Year 8
1 - Weather, Climate and Change
001 - Observing the Weather
002 - Weather Maps
003 - How does it Rain?
004 - Clouds - Extra Lesson
005 - Temperature
006 - Air Pressure
007 - Wind
008 - Weather Revision
009 - Hurricanes
010 - Storm Chasers
011 - Climate Graphs
012 - Climate Change
2 - Natural Environments: Landscapes
001 - Inside the Earth
002 - Weathering and Erosion
003 - Development of Rocks
004 - Caves
3 - Africa: Myths and Economics
001 - What is Africa?
002 - Is it all as it seems?
003 - Living in an Extreme Environment
004 - Community Views
005 - West African Kingdom
006 - Trade: Good or Evil?
4 - Medieval Europe
001 - What were the Middle Ages like?
002 - 1066 and the feudal system
003 - Location, location, location
004 - Grand Designs
005 - Life in a Castle
006 - Growth of towns and cities
007 - Death and Disease
008 - Journeys
009 - Medieval Journeys
IDU Relationships in Time and Space
001 - Information Page
002 - Research
003 - Reflection
Extra Units
History of Islam (Extra Unit Old MYP)
001 - Challenging Stereotypes
002 - Muhammad and Islam
003 - Transport and Trade
Natural Environments: Biomes (Extra Unit)
001 - Hostile Environments
002 - Location and Climate of Deserts
003 - Desert Landscapes
004 - Desert Landforms
005 - Adaptation
006 - Invincible Desert Animal
007 - Human Adaptation
008 - Desertification
009 - Spread of Ideas
Year 7
1 - How do we know?
001 - What is History?
002 - Change
003 - Time
004 - The Iceman - Body of Evidence
005 - The Report
2 - Wonderful World
001 - What is I&S?
002 - Wonderful World
003 - Yosemite National Park
004 - Carved by Water
005 - Carved by Ice
006 - What is a Map?
007 - My Wonderful World
3 - Bronze Age Cities
001 - Early Civilisations and Agriculture
002 - Settlement Sites
003 - Skills
004 - Civilisations
005 - Bronze Age Cities Group Project
006 - Specialisation in Bronze Age Cities
007 - How do we compare?
4 - Ancient Greece - Reason
001 - Mapping Greece
002 - Why study ancient Greece?
003 - Growth of City-States
004 - Skills
005 - Methods of Government
006 - Athens v Sparta
007 - Source Analysis
5 - Collapsed Week - Geneva
001 - Settlement Sites
002 - Geneva's History
003 - Online Mapping
004 - Trip to Geneva
6 - Collapsed Week - Ancient Greek Puppet Shows
Extra Units - Not Updated
Ancient Civilisations Along Important Rivers (Old MYP)
002 - Important Rivers
003 - The Land Between Two Rivers
004 - Weathering and Erosion
005 - Sections of a River
006 - Falling Water
Ancient Egypt (Old MYP)
001 - Mapping
002 - Rulers of Egypt
003 - Gods and Goddesses
004 - The Pyramids
005 - Embalming
006 - How to be a Tomb Raider
Key and Related Humanities Skills (Old MYP)
001 - Maps in the Wild
002 - Perceptions
003 - Humanities Passport
Year 6 - Taster Day
Year 6 - How do we know?
Year 6 - Revolutions
001 - Websites
002 - Flipboard
003 - Behaviour Management
6 - Collapsed Week Ancient Greece
Year 7 Collapsed Week Resources
Ancient Greece Puppet Shows
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