009 - The Future?

Debatable Question

Can one cities solution to urban growth ever be transferred successfully to another one?

Conceptual Question

Urban development can create powerful hubs of economic growth but can this ever be beneficial to all stakeholders in a city?

Key Terminology

            • Hubs and nodes

            • Stakeholder

Define the words above by using the useful links below.

Useful Links

Activity One - Planning for the Future

Your task is to make improvements to the city you have just investigated. The improvements can be very much futures thinking so, therefore, the schemes can be aspirational. You will be designing a set of plans in the form of a paper for the government of that country to convince them to invest and make changes to your chosen city. You will be using LucidPress to write up the plans. This is going to be your final assignment for this unit and therefore you need to consider what you have learnt so far to complete the task. You will also be assessed using almost all of the criteria so make sure you read the requirements carefully.

Content - what to include:

Year 11 Future Cities Poject

How will my work be presented?

      • You will be using Lucidpress to organise and present your decisions. The piece is going to be persuasive so you do need to consider what the report looks like. Visuals will help draw the reader in.

      • Word Limit - 1500 words.

      • Insert a header and write the following in the top right - Your Name - Year - Future Cities

      • Insert Page Numbers - bottom right

      • Header (this is the research question/statement) - Size 14 and bold

      • Font Type - Tahoma, Verdana, Lato, Arial

      • Font Size - 12

      • Alignment - Justify

      • Evidence is needed

      • A bibliography is to be included

To be downloaded as a pdf and uploaded to ManageBac and to be printed out and handed in at the beginning of the lesson on the due day.

How will my work be assessed?

      • This assignment is going to be assessed using all four of the I&S criteria although not all the strands will be focused on.

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

Criterion B: Investigating

Criterion C: Communicating

Criterion D: Thinking Critically