004 - Alternatives - Civil Societies

Syllabus Points

Describe (AO1) the role of civil societies in raising awareness of local and global environmental, social and cultural issues.

Examine (AO3) the role of civil societies in supporting local economic activity and strengthening local cultural values.

Key Terminology

  • Describe
  • Examine
  • Civil societies
  • Cultural values

Define the key terms above using your own knowledge from the course, the 'Command Term' posters in the classroom and the useful links below:

Useful Links

Activity One - Comprehension

Answer the following questions using the textbook 'Global Interactions' by Guinness pages 235 - 243

Image One - Global Interactions

Taken From: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51poy8y4ItL._SX395_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

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  1. What are the consequences of advanced globalisation?
  2. How does Professor Barber critique the economic globalisation?
  3. What changes are suggested by critics of a globalised society?
  4. What are the three main 'alternative' paths to the current globalisation situation?
  5. Summarise David Harvey's view.
  6. What changes have been made recently to the countries that meet regularly to discuss the economy? Why is this a benefit?
  7. Describe Porritt's view including his five-capital framework. Do you think this is the best approach to change? Justify your answer.
  8. Using the textbook ' Global Interactions. IB Geography Case Studies for the Higher Level Extension' pages 127-133 describe how civil society groups can raise awareness of local and global environmental, social and cultural issues. (You can also use Greenpeace for this.)

Activity Two - Civil Society

Image Two

Taken From: https://think.storage.googleapis.com/images/consumer-goods_industries_lg.jpg

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We have often discussed a civil society as a group of people who have a similar aim. Greenpeace has been the common example to discuss and use in our work. Civil society can also be individuals choosing to make changes to their lives for what they believe is for the common good.

  • Mindmap how consumers can impact the sustainability of products.

Image Three - Mind Map

Taken From: https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--LPD11G5n--/c_scale,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/190nbcyirezkjpng.png

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Activity Three - Case Study

Image Four

Taken From: http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/business/sites/default/files/uploads/396/rainforest-alliance-certified-seal-lg.png

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By using the Rainforest Alliance as a Civil Society group, create a case study of how they help to support local economic activity and strengthen cultural values. But who are they? Watch the YouTube video below and write a brief description of the Rainforest Alliances aim.

For the case study remember to include the following:

          • Who are they?
          • What is their aim?
          • Where are they located?
          • What have they done to support local economic activity?
          • How successful has that support been?
          • What have they done to strengthen cultural values?
          • How successful has that support been?

Useful Resources

Rainforest Alliance

Follow the Frog

Ethical Coffee - Rainforest Alliance

Treehugger - What does the Rainforest Alliance mean to palm oil?

Pages134-137 'Global Interactions. IB Geography Case Studies for the Higher Level Extension' by www.privategeotutor.com