004 - Global Climate Change - Impacts and Management

Geographic Knowledge and Understanding

The impacts and management of global climate change in extreme environments, including adaptation by local populations.


Future possibilities for the impact of climate change upon extreme environments can be modelled based upon past patterns and trends from collected data.  The impacts of climate change can be managed at different scales. Climate change in extreme environments will have cultural and social impacts on populations and create the possibility for economic and demographic change.


Key Terminology

Activity One - Detailed Example - Alaska

For this syllabus point, you need to look at not just the general impact of climate change in extreme environments but specifically how the local or indigenous population are adapting to cope with the change. To do this we are going to revisit Alaska, USA. 

Group Collaboration - Padlet

Useful Resources


Barrow, Alaska: The Leading Edge of Climate Change

To Read

National Geographic - Summer Ice in the Arctic could be gone by 2035 - Challenges - Description of the changes to the sea ice due to climate change

Grist - Climate change in Barrow/Utqiagvik, Alaska - Adaptation - indigenous populations adaptation to climate change

World Economic Forum and Science Daily - Sea Ice and shipping routes  and Quartz - Oil extraction - Opportunities due to a reduction in sea ice.

Activity Two - Detailed Example - The Alps

We are going to focus much closer to home by exploring how ski resorts in the Alps are also being forced to adapt to the warmer temperatures.

Image One - Mer de Glace 1919 and 2019 taken from the New Scientist

Exam Style Question

Examine the adaptation of the local population to the consequences of climate change in an extreme environment. [10 Marks]

This lesson was development in collaboration with Richard Allaway from geographyalltheway. For more resources please visit www.geographyalltheway.com